Alexandra Obolentseva wins the Russian U8 chess championshipReport by Alexandra Obolentseva, one of the top world girls talents, won the Russian U8 championship. The competition took place in Kostroma and finished on June 1st, Children’s day holiday. A...
A Game Of Chess with Raiders
A Game Of Chess With Mr. Al Davis and The Oakland Raiders Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
General Trivia
Day 1 Can you name the structure behind us (Left pic: Alex Onischuk, his wife and me) and what city it locates in? Day 2 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Special state of the USCF links
Important links about the current state of the USCF: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Leko vs Anand chess match
Official website: L É K Ó P É T E R Péter Lékó was born on 8 September 1979 in Szabadka. He has been living in Szeged since the age of one where he was awarded honorary citizenship...
The incredible surge
A few months ago, GM-elect Robert Hess came to Texas Tech University in search of a GM norm at the 2009 SPICE Spring Invitational. He told me his plan is to play all summer long to get obtain his...
Chess by Kavalek
By Lubomir KavalekSpecial to The Washington PostMonday, June 1, 2009; 9:04 AM Josef Hasek (1897-1976) was a witty Czech master and chess composer who loved chess, wine and meteorology. He composed nearly 300 studies. In 1927, he came up...
Sharp eyes
Black to move. How should Black proceed?Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Wang Hao leads Chinese Championship
Info by The Chinese Individual Chess Championships 2009 take place in Xinghua, Jiangsu, China 26th May to 6th June (rest day 31st May). Time control: 90 min + 30 sec/move. GM Wang Yue 2738 is not play this...
10th Poikovsky Karpov tournament
10th Poikovsky Karpov tournamentAlexei Shirov is top seeded at Poikovsky 2009Report by The 10th International Poikovsky chess tournament in honor of former world champion Anatoly Karpov will take place on 3-12th June, 2009. The recent winner of Mtel...