Position after 53…Kxh4 Do you know how to hold this position as White? This is an actual game between GM Onischuk and GM Dominguez in round 6 in Biel. [White “GM Onischuk”][Black “GM Dominguez”] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4...
A Troitsky Masterpiece

White to move. Is this a win, draw, or loss for White? How should White proceed? 8/2pp2pp/8/2PP1P2/1p5k/8/PP4p1/6K1 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bacrot wins, clear lead to Carlsen

GM Bacrot (2691) – GM Alekseev (2707) [E00]26.07.2008 / Biel – Round 6 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 Bb4+ 4.Bd2 Be7 5.Nf3 d5 6.Qc2 0–0 7.Bg2 c6 8.0–0 Nbd7 9.Rd1 b6 10.b3 Ba6 11.Bf4 Rc8 12.Nc3 Nh5 13.Bc1 Nhf6...
Akobian in Lindsborg

Akobian playing a simul at the 2008 U.S. Junior Open in Lindsborg, Kansas. The link to that site is: http://www.anatolykarpovchessschool.org/2008usjropen.html Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Carlsen back on winning track

GM Pelletier (2569) – GM Carlsen (2775) [E15]26.07.2008 / Biel – Round 6 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.b3 Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Be7 7.Bg2 d5 8.cxd5 exd5 9.Nc3 0–0 10.0–0 Bb7 11.Rc1 Nbd7 12.Bf4 c6 13.Qc2 Re8...
Humpy’s Success

All the right movesSaturday July 26 200817:05 IST N Jagannath Das Winner of the World Under-14 Championship in 2001; Asia’s youngest International Woman Master in 1999; India’s youngest Woman Grandmaster in 2001; at 15 years, 1 month, 27 days,...
Saturday Open Forum

It’s Saturday Open Forum. There are a lot of chess actions this week. Carlsen and Alekseev are leading Biel at the midway point. North Urals Cup super women’s tournament is starting tomorrow. Marx György Memorial just started yesterday. It’s...
Texas Tech welcomes SPNI participants

Susan Polgar National Chess Invitational for Girlswww.SPICE.ttu.eduJuly 27 – August 1, 2008Frazier Alumni PavilionTexas Tech University Alabama – Hannah HellwigArizona – Sayaka FoleyArkansas – Crystal QianCalifornia (Northern) – Rebekah LiuCalifornia (Southern) – Nisha DeolalikarColorado – Alexandra LasleyConnecticut – Alexandra...
Pelletier – Carlsen

Position after 21…a6 GM Pelletier (2569) – GM Carlsen (2775) [E15]26.07.2008 / Biel – Round 6 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.b3 Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Be7 7.Bg2 d5 8.cxd5 exd5 9.Nc3 0–0 10.0–0 Bb7 11.Rc1 Nbd7 12.Bf4...
Bacrot – Alekseev

Position after 21.exd6 GM Bacrot (2691) – GM Alekseev (2707) [E00]26.07.2008 / Biel – Round 6 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 Bb4+ 4.Bd2 Be7 5.Nf3 d5 6.Qc2 0–0 7.Bg2 c6 8.0–0 Nbd7 9.Rd1 b6 10.b3 Ba6 11.Bf4 Rc8 12.Nc3...