OK, have fun with a clever (but clean) caption 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A short chess teaser
Kubbel 1928 presented by Andreas White to move. Can White hold this position? How should White proceed? 3k4/3p2R1/1p1K4/3P4/8/8/8/4q3 w – – 0 2 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Susan Polgar beim Landespresseball als Botschafterin der Schacholympiade vorgestelltSonntag, 20. April 2008 Ihren Geburtstag feierte das ungarisch-amerikanische Schachgenie Susan Polgar am Sonnabend, 19. April 2008, im Dresdner Residenzschloss. Die frühere Schach-Weltmeisterin war an ihrem Ehrentag Stargast des Sächsischen Landespresseballs....
FIDE Retains its Status of IOC Recognition
Presidents of IOC Recognised IFsLausanne, 18 April 2008Ref. No. 2008/CCHD/clcnFax and e-mail Responses to IOC Questionnaire Dear President, We would like to congratulate you and thank you most sincerely for the tremendous work you accomplished in order to complete...
Grischuk continues to lead, 5 within 1/2 pt
Standings after 4 rounds: 1 Grischuk 2716 RUS 3.0 2-7 Radjabov 2751 AZE 2.5Karjakin 2732 UKR 2.5Kamsky 2726 USA 2.5Gashimov 2679 AZE 2.5Yue 2689 CHN 2.5Adams 2729 ENG 2.5 8-9 Carlsen 2765 NOR 2.0Bacrot 2705 FRA 2.0 10-11 Svidler...
Adams – Wang Yue victorious
GM Wang Yue (2689) – GM Cheparinov (2695) [A65]24.04.2008 – Baku GP Round 4 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.e4 g6 7.Bd3 Bg7 8.h3 0–0 9.Nf3 a6 10.a4 Nbd7 11.0–0 Re8 12.Re1 Nh5 13.Bg5...
Carlsen loses, Cheparinov 0-4
Round 4 results: Kamsky Gata 2726 1/2 Grischuk Alexander 2716Adams Michael 2729 1-0 Navara David 2672Bacrot Etienne 2705 1/2 Karjakin Sergey 2732Yue Wang 2689 1-0 Cheparinov Ivan 2695Svidler Peter 2746 1/2 Radjabov Teimour 2751Inarkiev Ernesto 2684 – Gashimov Vugar...
World Champion’s Tactic
Karpov, Anatoly – Topalov, Veselin (Linares 1994) by Andreas White to move. What the best continuation for White? rqr3k1/3Qbp2/p1n1p1p1/1pp5/2P2P2/2N3P1/PP3PB1/R3R1K1 w – – 0 20 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kamsky takes on the leader
Round 4 matchups:Kamsky Gata 2726 -Grischuk Alexander 2716Adams Michael 2729 – Navara David 2672Bacrot Etienne 2705 – Karjakin Sergey 2732Yue Wang 2689 – Cheparinov Ivan 2695Svidler Peter 2746 – Radjabov Teimour 2751Inarkiev Ernesto 2684 – Gashimov Vugar 2679Mamedyarov Shakhriyar...
Picture of the day
Can you create a clever caption? This picture was taken before the round at the Baku Grand Prix. Can you also name the GM with his hands up? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar