After the #1 seed Anand and #2 seed Kramnik won their games in round 2 to take the lead, they will face each other in round 3! Here are the full matchups: GM Anand Viswanathan – GM Kramnik VladimirGM...
A look back at some top juniors
It is also interesting to look back nearly 10 years ago (1998) to see the progress / non-progress of some of the top juniors in the world at that time. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A little chess history
GTK just sent me this list from 1998 with my sisters. I was was the reigning Women’s World Champion that year and I was supposed to defend my title 2 years (FIDE rule) after I won it in February...
Can you play better than a 2700?
This is an actual position between 2 very strong GMs. Black is a 2700 GM! It is Black to move. What would you play as Black? In the actual game, Black played Qf4 then White played gxf4 and Black...
10 way tie for first at Russian Championship
Final round top board results: Rublevsky (6½) – Tregubov (6½) ½-½Tomashevsky(6½) – Sakaev (6½) ½-½Amonatov (6½) – Timofeev (6½) ½-½Vitiugov (6½) – Kobalia (6½) ½-½Bareev (6) – Dreev (6½) ½-½ Final Standings: 1-10. GMs Rublevsky (2679), Zvjaginsev (2658), Tomashevsky...
World Champion’s tactic
This position is inspired by a similar theme from a past World Champion. It is White to move. How should White proceed? Can you find a way for White to launch an attack?Level of difficulty: 2.5 out of 4...
Excellent new additions at CD forum
Since we launched at around 9:30 AM (Mexico City time) yesterday, a number of new awesome features have been added. Here are some of the excellent new features: – This board has the capability to allow the users...