Montreal International Tournament Empresa 2007 Round 7 July 26, 2007 [Section – Board 1] Sutovsky, Emil vs Elyanov, Pavel 1/2-1/2 [Section – Board 2] Ivanchuk, Vassily vs Bluvshtein, Mark (real-time)[Section – Board 3] Tiviakov, Sergey vs Miton, Kamil (real-time)[Section...
Women’s Grand Prix LIVE games
MonRoi International Women Grand-Prix Finale Round 5 July 26, 2007 [Section – Board 1] Javakhishvili, Lela vs Roy, Myriam (real-time)[Section – Board 2] Arakhamia Grant, Ketevan vs Houska, Jovanka (real-time)[Section – Board 3] Foisor, Cristina Adela vs Rajlich, Iweta...
A cute puzzle
Black to move. How should Black proceed? This was shown by GM Fridman and IM Zatonskih yesterday at the SP All-Star Training for Girls at the NY Athletic Club. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The final statistics
The final statistics: Number of states won by Polgar: 48 / 51 (including Washington, DC) Percentage of states won by Polgar: Over 90% of the states (94.11%) Number of regions won by Polgar: 1st in all 12 regions (100%)Official...
The FINAL results!
Frank Camaratta, Chief Teller, has authorized releasing the following overall totals as complete and final: Polgar 3004Bauer 2325Truong 2056Berry 2026Jones 1774Korenman 1648Schultz 1580Lux 1231Sloan 677Goodall 482 Polgar, Bauer and Truong have been elected to four year terms on the...
City Hall Park to reopen
Next Tuesday, a big chunk of City Hall Park will be reopened to the public for the first time since former Mayor Giuliani closed it after 9/11 due to a combination of security reasons and renovations. Mayor Bloomberg had...
Another unofficial and partial results
2007 USCF Executive Board Election OVERALL (unofficial results by the USCF) The top 3 finishers will have a 4 year term. The 4th place finisher will have a 2 year term. Polgar 2588Bauer 2007Truong 1763Berry 1748 Jones 1491Korenman 1410Schultz...
Interview with GM Pia Cramling by Robin Q: Could you tell me about today’s game? I got a nice initiative. She played very quickly but then made a big mistake with 23. … Qa7, because after I take on d6, my position is just overwhelming....
Uniting the chess world
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who supported me and my vision to turn the USCF into a respectable, viable and professionally run organization. The USCF cannot survive without improvement. Secondly, for those of you who...
Stefanova leads the North Urals Cup
The North Urals Cup is taking place in Krasnoturinsk, Russia from July 22 to 31, 2007. Standings after 4 rounds: 1. Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2481 3.0 2-4. Ushenina, Anna m UKR 2502 2.52-4. Lahno, Kateryna m UKR 2450...