Veselin TopalovBulgaria, ELO 2804 Viswanathan AnandIndia, ELO 2803 Peter SvidlerRussia, ELO 2743 Ruslan PonomariovUkraine, ELO 2738 Etienne BacrotFrance, ELO 2708 Gata KamskyUSA, ELO 2671 Double round-robin (all play all with White and Black alternatively)Time control – 2 hours for...
Why endgame?

This was a question that was posed: I lost to a pretty good player this weekend. He said that I should study endgame if I want to get better. I just don’t get why I should study endgame. If...
Endgame Lesson

White to move. Is it possible to win this position? No computer, please. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar