This picture is from round 8 (Stripunsky – White vs. Perelshteyn – Black) Congratulations to GM-elect Eugene Perelshteyn! He earned his third and final GM norm with a win over GM Mikhalevski in the last round of the 2006...
Comments by World Champion Anatoly Karpov
A message from the Right Move campaign: A number of interviews with former World Champion Anatoly Karpov, have been carried in 64, Chessbase and more recently “Chess Fidelity”, the website for the election campaign of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov carried an...
Some more winners at the Polgar CC SPB event
Some of the winners in the girl’s section. Congratulations to all! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Some of the winners at the Polgar CC SPB Scholastic Tourney
About 30 children participated in the 2006 Polgar Chess Center SPB Scholastic Championship today Monday, April 17, 2006. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Choosing the right path
White to move. Is there a checkmate? Is there a winning attack? What is the best continuation for White? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Van Wely, Smirin and IM Perelshteyn tied at Foxwoods
The Foxwoods Open finally came to an end with a 3-way tie for first, Super GMs Van Wely, Smirin and IM Perelshteyn. Congratulations to all especially IM Perelshteyn, holding his own against the big boys! Here are the final...
Endgame Exercise
This is not a short winning puzzle. This is a typical endgame position that you need to know by heart. My suggestion is play this out against a friend or the computer. Try to win as quickly as possible...