If you are just as outraged as I am about the recent USCF Executive Board Election, you can do something about it! You can call or write to your state delegates and let them know the truth about Mr. Sam Sloan. If your state delegates do not attend the US Open then anyone can be nominated to be a delegate. The most important thing is vote.
In order for Mr. Sloan to take office, he has to be certified by the delegates of the USCF. I strongly believe that a sexual predator (by his own admission) and a convicted felon should not be allowed to serve on the Executive Board of a non-profit organization with tens and thousands of young members.
Mr. Sloan lied about his criminal record. He told the members of the USCF that he has no criminal record while the chess community clearly knows that he spent a considerable amount of time in jail. Mr. Sloan also publicly admitted that he had inappropriate sexual relations with minors. He also publicly admitted to other illegal and criminal conducts.
He lied about me. He lied and attacked people who are associated with me and the Susan Polgar Foundation. He lied and attacked other members, sponsors, supporters and partners of the USCF. He spares no one.
I know first hand what Mr. Sloan is capable of. I will post the letter I wrote on the official USCF forum in the comment section of this post. Please feel free to look at it.
As a group, we must protect the young members of this federation. We must protect all members. We must protect the integrity of the United States Chess Federation. Together, we can stop this monster! Please contact your state delegates and let them know what you think. Thank you!
I would like to make a few points about Mr. Sloan in response to Mr. Sloan’s comments. This is what Mr. Sloan stated:
Quote from Mr Sam Sloan:
….it is significant that in 1986 I gave Susan Polgar an expensive computer and I lived in her apartment in Budapest for several months when Susan was 16 years old and her sisters Sophia and Judit were 10 and 9. In the 20 years that have since passed, Susan Polgar has never made any such claim. Frankly, as a result of living with them, I know a lot of family secrets of the Polgar Family, which would be highly embarrassing to Susan if I revealed them, but I will not go that route.
First of all, my family has hosted countless chess players and personalities from around the world in our apartment in Budapest over the years. This is a very common occurrence in the European culture. At that time, Mr. Sloan seemed to be normal.
Secondly, Mr. Sloan stayed at my family’s apartment for a very short period of time and not several months as he claimed. In addition, Mr. Sloan was never my manager as he falsely stated.
Thirdly, during his stay, he made a number of completely inappropriate solicitation to me, a minor at that time, and he was promptly and firmly told no. To his credit, he did not try it again. But he tried with others. Since that time, I tried to be polite to Mr. Sloan in public but I tried to avoid him as much as I could. I am not surprised about the inappropriate sexual conducts that he claimed in the past. He believes that it is OK.
Over the years, his behavior and conduct became much worst. I believe that he is capable of anything and I hope that the USCF delegates can understand this very serious situation. By me speaking up, he already started to imply about trying to embarrass me with my family secret. There are no secrets unless he plans to fabricate them. He is using this tactic to try to avoid the real issues about him.
This is why I am very adamant about my position. As I stated before, the Susan Polgar Foundation cannot accept Mr. Sloan or work with someone like Mr. Sloan. The mission of the Susan Polgar Foundation is to promote chess for young people, especially girls, with integrity and high morals. Mr. Sloan is a danger to himself, the USCF and young members of this federation. I believe that this federation MUST protect our young members. Mr. Sloan’s conduct is not appropriate for a national organization with tens and thousands of young people.
I hope that you can understand my position. This is not a situation that any woman want to be in. I did not bring this out before because Mr. Sloan was not an elected official of the USCF. Now that he is, I must speak up to protect other young players. Thank you for your understanding.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
is a link that lists all the delegates in the country by state but not their contact info.
Luckily I know the email address of one of my delegates so I will ask him for the email addresses of his peers.
Susan, thanks for informing us on this subject.
Great idea Susan. thanks for telling me this. I will definitely absolutely work to see that Sam is not approved by the delegates. I will contact everyone at the local level and talk to them and strongly support the view that they do not approve Sam.
our last chance to save one horrible situation. I encourage everyone to do the same. if they hear in all 50 states maybe we can still stop this travesty.
Nice job Susan. Keep up the good work.
I have everyone’s email. I did a google search with the first person’s name and the word chess and they came up as the first line in google. I got the state chess federation and all the emails are listed as expected.
then I simply combined all the emails together in my email and sent the same email to everyone. works like a charm.
this is important. Please tell your people to act here. too many children play chess and we need to stand up for honesty and integrity in chess.
If we all express our opinion then we can win. we can make a difference. I dont think anyone who is properly informed will want to approve of this man.
get the word out. my email is getting the word out as best I can do. everyone listed in my state will get my email. whether they are voting or not. easy enough to do.
Another important issue: Several of the state delegates will not be at the US Open. It’s crucial that if they are not there, your state nominates other USCF members (18 or older) to fill those voting slots. Anyone can be nominated to represent his or her state. If your state does not have enough participants at the tournament, I believe any willing member can still be nominated to represent any state. PLEASE COMMIT to being there as a possible nominee, or look for people who will commit. The state delegate voting will be on Sunday, Aug 13th.
Thank-you Susan!
anyone can write to all the members of MACA with one simple click here. just choose the top where it says
MACA Board of Directors and Committees
All of MACA Board of Directors and Committees members will be contacted
can delegates go with signed proxy voting rights on this issue.
this is the first time I have been so active. we can do it with Susan’s leadership. I know we can.
go everyone go. write to all the states. lets flood them with emails.
you have my permission to flood my state with emails. haha. let her rip.
If the delegate is a man; can we find the wives email addresses and email them too!? That would work wonders IMHO:)
With Susan behind this; I think that it is the best shot that we have to ensure that the USCF will put our kids safety first.
[I swear that I am not Sam Sloan.]
Verbatum from:
NY hearing Hearing before Administrative Law Judge Schneider, NEW YORK CITY TAXI & LIMOUSINE COMMISSION, 40 Rector Street, New York, New York 10006
July 26, 2002
Mr. Samuel H. Sloan
39-75 56th Street, #5A
Woodside, NY 11377
Mr. Sloan acknowledged that he had been convicted in Virginia of the crimes specified on his Virginia criminal record and had been imprisoned for a year-and-a-half and thereafter released on parole. He also acknowledged that the convictions were not reversed or expunged from his record. He stated, however, that the convictions arose from a child custody dispute and were improper and meaningless.
Mr. Sloan stated that his wife had custody of their infant child but left the United States leaving the child with him. He became apprehensive that babysitters who were caring for the child were attempting to convert her to their fundamentalist Baptist faith and therefore took the then four-year old child to Abu Dhabi in about 1985. He said that in about 1990, the child was kidnapped from his home there by Christian fundamentalists connected with the prior babysitters. Mr. Sloan had reason to believe that the child was in Virginia and went there in 1991. He acknowledged that there had been pre-existing litigation in Virginia concerning the custody of the child and involving the Virginia social services department.
He said with regard to the attempted abduction charge that he was arrested when he arrived in Virginia and before he had seen his child, and that he had never intended or attempted to abduct the child. With regard to the failure to appear charge, he said that the hearing at issue had in fact been rescheduled. (Mr. Sloan submitted a October 3, 1991 Virginia court decision awarding full custody of child to the former babysitter – and denying visitation rights to Mr. Sloan. The factual recitation in that decision differs in various details from that made by Mr. Sloan in the instant proceeding. Mr. Sloan also submitted an October 25, 1994 New York Supreme Court order granting “on default” a modification of the 1982 order and granting custody of the child to Mr. Sloan.)
Mr. Sloan denied misrepresentation with regard to his Question 20 answer and said that his conviction was not a secret. Rather, he said, he had broadly publicized it on his internet site because he believed that it was “invalid” because, among other reasons, Virginia never had custody of his child. Therefore, although he was convicted of a crime, he believed the criminal record to be meaningless.
Mr. Sloan claimed that the TLC’s actions and charges in this matter were in retaliation for his vigorous criticism, over his internet site, since about 1998 as well as his legal action against the Commission. He stated that he has an exemplary record as a driver. Further, he said that he had not been aware that the five suspensions detailed by Mr. Hardekopf were the basis for the Question 18 charge until the date of the hearing. Rather, he had believed that the “airport” charge, which he said was a subject of the litigation in the NY Supreme Court, was the basis of the charge. Mr. Sloan stated that he has eight children, including an eight-month old, his wife is pregnant and loss of his license would cause financial hardship.
My delegates were sympathetics, and similarly outraged, but they fear there isn’t much legal recourse. Their plan is to lay low and ride this out a year.
My delegates are good people, who can be persuaded. But the fear of a lawsuit looms. Susan, I really think an attorney should be involved ASAP.
Given that Mr. Sloan boasts at his website about successfully arguing a legal case without legal counsel, I tend to agree with anonymous’ comment about legal consultation. I doubt that Sloan would go quietly if opposition to the election results and his apparent lack of character threatened him.
I know many of the delegates in Colorado at least casually.
I will be emailing them with a link to your blog.
P.S. I am just a business guy who just wanted to improve his mind with chess. I am amazed at the things I am involved with. Anyway its for the best.
Here’s a solution —
Lower the USCF voting age to what Mr. Sloan considers an international age of consent.
I hope this works. A slime like Sam Sloan should be nowhere near an organization that deals with so many children. Has anyone checked the USCF bylaws to see if the delegates actually can overturn an otherwise legal election on the grounds of moral unfitness?
at http://samsloan.com/ the guy posts endless photos (“trophies”) as if to brag about his hundreds of exploits with young prostitutes (slaves?) in third-world countries.
seems like a creepy guy. looks like a creepy guy too.
I should think Mr. Sloan could now be sued for Slander. Slanderous remarks within the Industry against someone within the Industry ~ Slander against Susan and the Polgar family. This is especially true if he has posted these remarks in writing or has told them to others of power within the Industry.
It is also possible he could be sued for threatening and blackmail.
Does anyone know of an Attorney that has a connection to Chess ~ Ideally that is a parent of kids in Scholastic Chess.
This Sloan guy seems to be a pervert, and, as someone says, creepy ! One should stay away from such people
k –
He may be creepy but nothing in the facts given here would sustain a slander or blackmail law suit.
Susan: I do not approve of everything about Sam’s life, but he is now 62 years old. He is not the randy, promiscuous 20-year of old decades past. He has had five wives and dozens or hundreds of other female sexual partners in his life. But he is now pratically a senior citizen. He will dare to still joke about being attracted to teenagers, but I cannot imagine that he thinks he can get away with anything like bedding a chess-playing teenager in the next year. He is just not that dumb and you know this to be the case.
He lost custody of his eldest child forever in 1990. He went through great lengths, including abadoning his native country, the USA, just to preserve custody of his eldest child and that custody was snatched away from him anyway, forever. Tell me Susan: how would you feel if it was your daughter?
I am not asking you to let your guard down, but what access to chess-playing minors will this position give Sam that he does not already have as a chess organizer?
Are you simply begrudging his this because you consider it to be an honor that he is unworthy of?
Please state your case more concretely.
BTW: I have a great deal of respect for your life-accomplishments, but I also respect Sam for his. They are of a different nature, but they are still worthy of recording. That is why I started
I list his crimes exactly. I take you straight to the records of his felony convictions. I am trying to be fair. Please return the favor and behave in kind. You clearly are honorable enough to do so. If you have to hold your nose, then please do so. But beahve with full information and with honor.
So, to sum up then, Andrew, it’s okay for elderly, racist, lecherous paedophiles convicted of kidnapping to be elected to the USCF board, so long as they’ve been through some bad times and are too old to realistically “bed a chess-playing teenager”. That’s alright then.
Personally, I’d think anyone who writes a handy web guide for potential rapists, or opines at length on how “all Japanese women secretly want to f*** n***ers”, should be kept VERY VERY FAR AWAY from any political office at all, and certainly not declare that person fit to serve on the USCF board. But hey, each to their own.
Andrew, it is with honor that I protect and fight for the 40,000 young USCF members.
Mr. Sloan has no business serving on the board in an organization with 40,000 young members.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Your efforts are hugely appreciated by me and many other “grass roots” chess fans who otherwise would have no idea what was happening. Please don’t stop.
“Keep it civil”:
OK “civil!”
Congradulations you got what
you wanted.
I heard that recently a teacher was attempting to show a class a chess website via projection screen and accidentally went to one of sloans websites that arent exactly suitable for the classroom environment. Due to school policies shes currently facing 40 years imprisonment, but the case has yet to appear in court. That would be enough for me to gain alot of self-hatred if i were in his position… its just terrible seeing that kind of thing. Thanks susan for trying to protect what is currently being perverted.