Eilat chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Proceed with caution!
it should be this variation:
1. e6 Bxd4
2. e7 Bf6
3. e8Q Bxd8
4. Qxd8
greets, jan
1. e6!
looks winning right away.
Though Bd4 is taken, it gains the tempo white needs. And Re4 is fully prevented.
1. … Bxd4
2. e7!
and nothing can stop the pawn.
1. … Rxd4
2. Rxd4! Bf6 (Bxd4 e7! and nothing can stop the pawn)
3. Re4 any
4. e7 Bxe7
5. Rxe7
is up with rook.
1. … Rc7 (critical)
2. Rxh8+
is up with bishop.
nice blog !!!
1.e6 Rc1+
(1…Bxd4 2.e7)
(1…Rxd4 2.Rxd4 Bf6)
2.Ke2 Rc6
3.Rxh8+ Kg6
4.e7 Re6+
5.Kd3 Rxe7
Proceed with aggression!
e6 plays itself since black has no time for either capture:
1. e6! Bd4 (Rd4 2.Rd4 Bd4 3.e7+-)
2. e7
And black can stop the pawn by playing Rc5-Rf5+ and Re5+, but it costs the exchange and the game anyway.
I don’t see any better defenses at move 1, than Bxd4.