Well,this puzzle isn’t complex just exchange and manipulate the pieces,white will win the game.
I am curious to see,how many does it correctly,so I will stand as viewer till tomorrow – to see how others manipulate the chess pieces in shortest possible way for white’s win in this chess puzzle.
Do you guys really need to know whats the mating combination ? Wait till tomorrow,if none does give the combination then I will.
I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.
bxn qxb
rxb rxr
joe b
…or like Shirley Bassey with Propellerheads singing “History repeating”.
The third time that this puzzle will appear in your blog, I will claim the draw!
Hi Susan Polgar,
Well,this puzzle isn’t complex just exchange and manipulate the pieces,white will win the game.
I am curious to see,how many does it correctly,so I will stand as viewer till tomorrow – to see how others manipulate the chess pieces in shortest possible way for white’s win in this chess puzzle.
Do you guys really need to know whats the mating combination ? Wait till tomorrow,if none does give the combination then I will.
Venky [ India – Chennai ]
1. Bxe4 Qxe4
2. Rxb7 Rxb7
3. Qc8+
4. Rxb7 f3
5. g3
Hi Susan Polgar,
Ref : 1r2q1k1/1b3p2/p5p1/2pP4/P1P1np2/3B3Q/2P2bPP/1R3R1K.
Well,To me White wins the game,variations exist.
As I said yesterday,let me give the example set of moves for white’s victory in this puzzle.
1.B*Ne4 Q*Be4
2.R*Bf2 Q*c4
3.R*Bb7 R*Rb7
4.Qc8+ Kg7
5.Q*Rb7 Qc3
6.Rf1 Q*c2
7.d6 Qe2
8.Rg1 f3
9.Q*f3 Qc4
10.d7 Q*a4
11.d8(Q) Qa2
12.Qf3f6 Kh6
13.Qh8++ Mate
Its just sample set of moves,variations can be brought in here but still white wins the game.
Venky [ India – Chennai ]