09-09-09 at 09:09 am chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What is the most accurate continuation for White? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I think Nf5 would be the first move. (threatening Qxg7+)
1. Nf5 Bxe5 2. Bxe5 and black would be in big trouble.
1. Nf5 exf5 2. Re8+ and white wins the queen by taking on Bd6 later.
1. Nf5 g6 2. Nxd6 Qxd6 3. Rxe6 Qxe6 Rxe6 and later 4. Rxe6, which wud give white a material advantage..
That is all the possible lines that I could think of. Hope my first move is correct..
1. Rxh4 Bxf4
2. Hf5+ Kf6
3. Qxg7#
Rxh5 Rxh5 Bxd5+ wins the Queen
Bxf4 Rxh8+ Ke7 Qxg7 and White is winning (Nf5 threatens mate)
I like Rh5.
1. Rh5 Rh5 (or Rg8)
2. Bd6 Qd6
3. Qd6 wins a queen
1. …..Bf4
2. Rh8 Ke7
3. Nf5#
Oh, and looking forward to the 10/10/10 at 10:10 a.m. chess tactic next year.
Nf5 is a great move. Good job Lawrence.
How about,
1.Rxh5…Bxf4 (if …Rxh5 2.Bxd6+ wins or…Ke7 2.Nf5+ wins)
4.Qxg7 mate
Kh1!! is the magnificent winning move, black is in zugzwang, this is a karpov-winning move.
1. Rxh5 Bxf4 (1.. Rxh5 2. Bxd6+)
2. Rxh8+ Ke7
3. Nf5+ Kf6
4. Qxg7 1-0
How about 1.Rxh5
Doesn’t that win right away?
SSusan you should know by now i dont do the “oold puzzlles” plezz give me a BBLACK TO MMOVE and MMATE IN TWO!! hehe..