There have been some stories about the lawsuit from an ex-board member. Here is the USCF’s official response:
Official statement by the USCF EB
This is an official statement by the USCF (5-0 vote with Paul and I abstaining)
Recent events have led to charges and counter-charges about false postings on chess websites that may involve USCF members and improper activity by independent contractors working for the USCF. At this time, it must be stressed that none of these claims can be independently substantiated, and the USCF does not support them. The USCF apologizes for any unintended resulting actions.
The USCF takes seriously its need to protect the privacy of its members and is actively investigating the charges of violation of its privacy policies and actions of its members. The individuals who may have violated these policies have agreed, as of today, to suspend their duties with the USCF until these issues are resolved.
The USCF is in the process of hiring an independent subject matter expert to determine the validity of the claims expressed above. After their review of all relevant information, the Executive Board will determine whether further action is warranted.
This is just a point of information about Sloan’s lawsuit:
Brian Mottershead: “snits is correct that I never found any evidence that there had been any Fake Sam Sloan posts from a Texas Tech IP Address. In his lawsuit, Sam said that there had been posts from a Texas Tech computer, a little bit different than an IP address. When I asked Sam about this, he seemed to think that it was possible that his version was true. I wouldn’t have put that in a lawsuit, but it is Sam Sloan’s lawsuit.”
It seems that Mr. Sloan decided to fabricate the TTU part just for his own purpose.
Many more facts will come out in due time.
This was an email by board member Randy Bauer, former Budget Director for the State of Iowa, to the NY Times Journalist:
You may recall that we spoke by phone at least once earlier this year regarding the USCF election and executive board. You may know that I was one of the four candidates elected and am also named as one of the defendents in Sam Sloan’s lawsuit.
I’d like to call your attention to at least two important factual errors and add a couple of other comments.
The article writes that “Since Mr. Mottershead published his report, the chess federation’s executive board, including Mr. Truong and Ms. Polgar, have met several times to discuss what to do.” That is not correct. There have been NO meetings of the Executive Board since the report was published.
While there have been email discussions among Board members, they have been sporadic and in many instances have not involved the entire Board.
The article also leads with the claim that “Susan Polgar and Paul Truong . . . posted thousands of remarks . . . ” yet there is no suggestion in Mottershead’s report that Susan was responsible for the postings. Allowing this claim to stand without mention of that fact is unfair to Susan and demonstrates a lack of balance not usually found in a New York Times article.
I’m also surprised that you would accept at face value Sam Sloan’s claim that “If I ever want to apply for a job, nobody’s going to hire me because there are thousands of obscene messages supposedly from me on the Internet.”
As I’m sure you know (or should have known) Sam Sloan was a very controversial member of the Executive Board who was soundly defeated for re-election – coming in 10th of 11 candidates. Much of the controversy arises from content on Sam Sloan’s website, which is surely as obscene (I would argue more so) than any of the posts by “the fake Sam Sloan.”
Should you doubt this, I would suggest you follow the links below to Sam Sloan’s website (and these are just a representative sample of the tasteless, vulgar and obscene crap you will find there):
(Deleted as it is inappropriate to younger readers)
Finally, Sam Sloan’s long standing claim to have won a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court is, as typical with Sam, more hat than cattle. In fact, as has been detailed many times in discussions on the chess newsgroups, Sloan’s “victory” was on a technicality that had little bearing on the end result – Sam lost his license to sell securities.
As noted in the opinion, “During this series of suspensions respondent Sloan …filed a petition in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit challenging the orders on a variety of grounds. On October 15, 1975, the court dismissed as frivolous all respondent’s claims, except his allegation that the “tacking” of 10-day summary suspension orders for an indefinite period was an abuse of the agency’s authority and a deprivation of due process.” Justice Rehnquist on SEC v Sloan.
Quite frankly, I would have expected a bit more balance and background. Sloan is a “serial suer” which you can also detail on his website.
As far as I can tell, Sloan has lost in nearly every instance. Again, this history would paint a more balanced picture of the viability of the lawsuit.
I would, of course, be happy to discuss any of these issues with you. Feel free to write or call me.
Randy Bauer
USCF Executive Board
Good luck on this Susan. It seems that you have to keep on being alert and keep your head clear and high. I hope and pray that justice will win. The N.Y times has a lot of influence and I hope it will correct the damage it has done to you on the above mentioned article
Best wishes
A. Weiler
I just knew Sam would file a suit at some point.
Susan and Paul, I am Sad Mr. Sloan had to file a lawsuit. Even if it’s frivolous, the cost in time and energy may have an impact. I hope they throw it out soon. He obviously is a person that wants people to pay attention to him. I hope people just start ignoring him….
Is it completely frivolous? What about missing financial records and alleged $2 millions missing? Is that fabricated or true? Just curious.
I hope the court will finally nail Sloan and make him pay for all the attorneys’ fees of all the poor people he sued. What a *&!%^$@)!
If it is true what I just read in usenet postings (which I cannot verify), than P.Truong may have to face some trouble. But it seems to be a topic of highly technical nature which requires experts to review the IP stuff etc., among other things. The question of faked evidence may also arise.
Maybe the case is dismissed if the evidence (or claimed evidence) isn’t considered suitable to base a lawsuit on? But if it’s accepted, I would guess it will be very difficult, time consuming and expensive.
The issue which I am having the most difficulty with is (if I’ve interpreted the USCF statement correctly) that both Susan and Paul are now stepping down (at least temporarily) from the USCF pending the resolution of this nonsensical lawsuit.
I hate to sling mud, but Sam Sloan is a nut case (and that’s probably putting it mildly)! We have been graced with his slanderous accusations and conspiracy theories for YEARS. As an American, Sam has the right to file ridiculous lawsuits and bandy about half-truths to his heart’s content (as long as he doesn’t injure someone).
This latest case of “Sam’s sour grapes” hurts MANY. I had been eagerly looking forward to Susan’s election as the next step in what I perceived to be her personal journey continuing her tireless efforts to promote the game as it should be… as she has SEEN it promoted, overseas. Based on this turn of events, how negatively will this impact her term in office, and her desire to help US Chess, etc., until Sam has had his day in court and is summarily dismissed as the confused human being that he is?
While it may be the politically correct thing to do, i.e., step down until the case is resolved, how fair is this to rest of us??? Sloan has gone too far this time dammit, and so has the USCF if they accept Susan and Paul’s voluntary(?) “suspension of their duties”. I’ve never been much of a rabble-rouser, but I don’t think that we can greet this news with indifference. I plan to write formally to the USCF et al, and complain about their reaction to these farcical charges.
Many points of Sam Sloan’s case will be dismissed as are based on speculations and there is lack of subject matter expert evidence. But legal fees will be prohibitive for all. Why things cannot be resolved withing the USCF? It will defocus all from attracting new members…
SusanPolgar said…
No, it is not our suspension. It is the suspension of the 2 contractors who illegally conducted the investigation and violating their NDAs.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
If there can be anything considered as good news from this whole regrettable situation, then this is it!
Please accept my best wishes for the quick resolution of this issue.
I can’t imagine the time and trouble you’re going through.
I do admire your can’t comment stance though; much better all around.
Best of luck.
What will happen to the techs who overstepped their bounds?
This board made a big mistake to allow information leak. How did that happen? Who’s responsible for the leaks?
What about Mig’s contention that Paul is “known” to launch anonymous attacks (or some such statement – sorry I dont have the exact quote open at the moment)…?
what is that all about?
I like Mig. He and others are welcome to their opinions.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Why did you and Paul abstain? There should be a unanimous vote against Sloan.
Hi Susan,
In this thread everyone agrees with you, while on the same topic on Mig’s site, most people tend to gravitate toward the other side. It seems awefully one-sided here on susanpolgar.blogspot. How do you explain that?
Anon 7.36
Don’t know if you are correct that everyone tends to gravitate to the other side on Mig’s site. Sloan seems to take a bashing over there as well.
Lawsuit coud well be dismissed based on the means used to obtain evidence but i think people would be far happier if this was investigated and proven to be untrue as opposed to just inadmissible in court.
The idea that the matter could be “silenced” because of privacy issues, is absurd. An IP address is not more private than a license plate on your car.
I agree to the previous poster.
Sounds like there is a case to answer, though Mottershead should not have raised the issue in the way he did, and Sloan is a joke.
However, how do we know that some of the ‘anonymous’ posts here are not in fact from Susan or Paul? We don’t. On the internet, no-one knows you’re a dog, and no-one knows that you are Susan Polgar or Paul Truong either – or anyone else.
Some of the posts with my name on this blog did not come from me. I have erased any fake post I found so far. My posts have my avatar at the top.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Due to the legal nature of this matter, I cannot comment further. As I said, I expect this case to be dismissed. A lot of facts will come out at proper time.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
I only hope justice wins in this case
I love chess. I have wanted to see chess do so much better for most of my life. Susan, you and Paul are so good for chess. You are two really wonderful people. You have been so good for chess and then the nasty fighting began on the USCF Forums during the election.
I will always support you Susan not matter what happens. I believe in you and Paul. You are two really wonderful people.
Susan and Paul have LOTS of class, as you can tell from how they’ve responded to this entire situation. Sloan seems incapable of admitting that he is wrong or has screwed something up – it always has to be blamed on some conspiracy or countered with a lawsuit.
I haven’t researched the events that resulted in his losing his securities license, but I am in that business and I’ve seen it happen to people. People have lost their jobs because of investigations I carried out. I’ve dealt with situations where people have been banned for life from the business. The regulators aren’t persnickety types who revel in spinning minutae to harm innocent securities people; they want to remove bad securities people from harming people who trust them with their money. In order for Sloan to have lost his license, he must have done something egregious, not some little trivial violation. Just judging from reading some of his “stuff”, it wouldn’t surprise me that he lost his license. And, of course, his inability to admit being wrong about anything would lead him to filing frivolous lawsuits instead of just walking away. It’s like he never grew up.
Best of luck to you all, and especially Susan and Paul.