Because of the Black’s threat to pin the Queen with Bb7, White has to be very fast, so the solution has to contain a check every move… 1.gh7 (to open the g-file), 2.Rf8 (elimination of the defender) and then capturing on g7 with the check! so, either 3.Bg7+ or 3.Rg7+ (depending where the black king goes)… There is also a check with the queen on c2 in some lines… so I think Black is lost…
P.S. I didn’t use a chess programm, so maybe I could be wrong 🙂
forcing moves are required – the winning move looks like 1.Rxf8+. If 1…Kxf8 2. Qf2+ with checkmate to follow or Black loses his Queen. If 1…Rxf8 2. gxh7+. If 2…Qxh7 3.Rxg7+ If 2…Kxh7 3.Rxg7+ wins If 2…Kh8 3.Bxg7+ Kxh7 4.Qc2+ Kg8 5.Bf6+ wins the Queen Cheers Callum
Because of the Black’s threat to pin the Queen with Bb7, White has to be very fast, so the solution has to contain a check every move…
1.gh7 (to open the g-file), 2.Rf8 (elimination of the defender) and then capturing on g7 with the check!
so, either 3.Bg7+ or 3.Rg7+ (depending where the black king goes)…
There is also a check with the queen on c2 in some lines… so I think Black is lost…
I didn’t use a chess programm, so maybe I could be wrong 🙂
forcing moves are required – the winning move looks like 1.Rxf8+. If 1…Kxf8 2. Qf2+ with checkmate to follow or Black loses his Queen. If 1…Rxf8 2. gxh7+.
If 2…Qxh7 3.Rxg7+
If 2…Kxh7 3.Rxg7+ wins
If 2…Kh8 3.Bxg7+ Kxh7 4.Qc2+ Kg8 5.Bf6+ wins the Queen
@Vohaul is correct, there is no win, only a draw.
What about this line
1.gxh7+ Qxh7
2.Rxf8+ Rxf8
3.Rxg7+ Qxg7
It is a win for white!
I agree with some people that gxh7 is the answer.
1. gxh7 leads to two possibilities
1 …Kh8
Then white replies with
2. Rxf7 Rxf7
3. Bxg7+ Kxh7
4. Bxf7 and mate is imminent for black
And the other possibility leads
1. … Kxh7
2. Qc3+
And mate follows.
Opps, I made a mistake.
And the other possibility leads
1. … Kxh7
2. Rxg7+
And mate follows
no win! 1.gxh7+? will lose instead …
>>1. gxh7 leads to two possibilities
2 …Kh8??
Then white replies with
2. Rxf8?? Rxf8
3. Bxg7+ Kxh7
5. Bxf8 and mate is imminent for black
2…kxh7?? 3.rxg7+ leads indeed to mate
BUT there is a third possibility for:
2…qxh7! wins this for black – so 1.gxh7+ should be marked “?”
1. gxh7 Kh8??
2. Rxg7
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@anonym – no – the winning line for black is
1.gxh7+?? qxh7!! and black is winning!
1.rxf8+! rxf8
2.gxh7+ qxh7?? black would be lost!
1.rxf8+ rxf8
2.gxh7+ kh8!! keeps the draw, and if white slips – then it will be a win for black…
chess needs precision, sometimes… and the right move order …
🙂 – there is NO win for white in the given position
ok, ok, if you don’t believe me… 🙂
1.gxh7+? qxh7!
2.rxf8+ kxf8!
(3.bxg7+ qxg7 4.rxg7 re1+ –+
3.rxg7 re1+ 4.qg1 qe4+ 5.rg2 rxg1+ 6.kxg1 qe1#)
4.bxg7+ ke7
5.re3+ …
(5.qa7+ bb7+ -+)
5…kd8 –+
Rxf8+ Rxf8
gxh7+ Kxh7
Rh3 forces a win either way black moves ?
Rxf8+ Rxf8
gxh7+ Kg8
Bxg7+ kxh7
If Rxf8+ Kxf8
Qf2+ as per the analysis already posted.
Am I having a blonde moment?
@adrenaline … there is a vicious bishop on c8 … ^^ no win for white… hehe