It does appear that white comes out ahead with both Nd3 and Kg1, though Kg1 is not obvious and nobody has given black’s best try against Nd3
(please note that in the starting position black is up a piece and a pawn and can afford to give back some material) 1. Nd3 Qxf6!? 2. gxf6 Bxf6 3. Ne5 Bxe5 4. fxe5 Ng6 and white is ahead a queen for a bishop, knight, and 2 pawns, though black has something of a fortress and might be able to hold out a little while.
Against 1. Kg1 Black can try Ng6, Nd5 and even b6, but White should emerge with an edge after some obtuse play.
against Kg1, since black is up material wouldnt a simple check with the bishop on F2 clean things up and force the queen exchange? I dont see much obtuse play that could avoid this?
1.Nd3 Qa2 (or elsewhere)
2.Qh5 work?
I think 1.Nd3 keeps the king safe, and then 2.Qh5 with powerful threats (h4, h6 or h7) wins.
I think Nd3 is a more forcing move.. Black will need to retreat the Queen and White has time to start his/her own attacking.
I too was thinking
1. Nd3 …
2. Qh5
… but I’m rubbish so you must all be wrong! ;-}
this is a good one Susan or Paul! it took me a long time to find:
Nd3! then
Qh5 w/ mate threat on Qxh7+ ..if Rh8
Qh6+ ..other Rf8 move Qxf7+
Joe B.
cancel that Qxf7 move analysis..
Qxh7+ mate or Qh6+ moves are the forced win moves..
Joe B .
It does appear that white comes out ahead with both Nd3 and Kg1, though Kg1 is not obvious and nobody has given black’s best try against Nd3
(please note that in the starting position black is up a piece and a pawn and can afford to give back some material)
1. Nd3 Qxf6!?
2. gxf6 Bxf6
3. Ne5 Bxe5
4. fxe5 Ng6
and white is ahead a queen for a bishop, knight, and 2 pawns, though black has something of a fortress and might be able to hold out a little while.
Against 1. Kg1 Black can try Ng6, Nd5 and even b6, but White should emerge with an edge after some obtuse play.
against Kg1, since black is up material wouldnt a simple check with the bishop on F2 clean things up and force the queen exchange? I dont see much obtuse play that could avoid this?