Youngsters show enthusiasm for chess

By Nicole Plascencia

COQUILLE, Ore.- While it doesn’t seem likely that elementary aged school school kids would have any interest in chess, it’s quite the opposite, youngsters showed a lot of enthusiasm for the game before their competitive rounds began Saturday morning.

“One of the kids was trying to come here and the mom said, oh that game is for old people but fortunately he came because it is a game for young people as well, it’s very stimulating for the mind, it’s puzzle solving and help people with math and science scores,” says Nancy Keller of the game.

Director of the tournament and coach for the Coquille chess club Nancy Keller says there were 11 beginners at Saturday’s tournament, with a total of about 30 kids playing all together.

While the kids are competing, Keller says it’s not quite the same as other competitive sports, “the hard part is this game you can’t go and get cheered on, everyone has to be quiet… so you don’t get the enthusiastic support you get like at the basketball games.”

Keller encourages anyone, including adults to participate if they are interested.


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