WWRC chess tactic Chess tactic, Gunina, Puzzle Solving White to move and win. This actually took place between Gunina (white) and Kosteniuk. White missed it and lost. Can you find it? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Did white play Rd1?
One has to assume time pressure here- otherwise hard to explain missing 1.Rd1 which will win both black pieces.
The threat of mate on h1 is the first place to look: 1. Rd1 Rf5+ 2. Bxf5 Bxf5 3. Kxf5 g3 4. Rd7 g2 5. Rxf7 g8(Q) 6. Rh7+ Kg2 7. Rg7+ K moves 8. Rxg1 Kxg1 9. f7 and a quick promotion.
1. Rd1 Rf5+ 2. B:f5 B:f5 3. K:f5 g3 4. Rd7 g2 5. R:f7 g1Q 6. Rh7+ Kg2 7. Rg7+ Kf1 R:g1+ and wins
1. Rd1, threatening Ra1#
The only means Black has to stop it is
1. … Rf5+
2. Bxf5 Bxf5
3. Kxf5 1-0