Today another great round was played with a few upset on some of the boards. Some players with lower ratings had surprise win against higher rated players. But the one result that put a very positive note on the whole day happened on Board 23: Shailesh Nerlikar (IND), playing white, won his game against Viktor Strekalovski (RUS). Shailesh is one of the more severe cases of the physically disabled players. He fought his match lying down on a mattress and saying his moves to his assistant.
During the course of the day the ICCD held their meeting. Attendants were Thomas Luther (DIS CM), Jamie Kenmure (DIS Counsellor), Phillip Gardner (ICCD President), Holger Mende (ICCD Treasurer), Jaroslav Schmid (ICCD Board Member). Ivan Kulakov (GS ICCD) sent his regards and apologies for not being able to attend and presented Thomas Luther with a small token and his promise of further cooperation.
The main discussion point was sign language translation during FIDE events. President Gardner pointed out that this is an important step towards the inclusion of deaf people. All participants agreed that there is a long tradition of including players with disablities into FIDE events. It is great that the ICCD can already nominate a woman and an open team for the Olympiads.
Tomorrow is Round 3, and you can follow the results at Round results of the championships
I am from Vietnam. I am chess player with disability. My i ask you a question. How can i join the world chess champion for the Disability. I have been chess player for Paragames since 2005.
Thanks so much.