This position is inspired by a similar theme from a past World Champion. It is White to move. How should White proceed? Can you find a way for White to launch an attack?
I think Ba6 is interesting although not forced it deflects the white squared bishop to a6 when Rd8 kg7 Qc3 wins the b4 rook. Also 1. Rd8 kg7 2. Bd5 loses to …Rb1 check kg2 Bf1 check…a typical mating pattern. We sometimes forget our king. I have not check my analysis so…I look forward to a refutation!
1. Rd8+ Kg7
2. Bd5 BxBd5
3. Qxc3+ wins the rook.
2. Bd5 Rf6
3. Rg8+ Kh6
4. Qe3+
one line can go:
4… Kh5
5. h4
and Black cannot avoid the mate.
I think Ba6 is interesting although not forced it deflects the white squared bishop to a6 when Rd8 kg7 Qc3 wins the b4 rook. Also 1. Rd8 kg7 2. Bd5 loses to …Rb1 check kg2 Bf1 check…a typical mating pattern. We sometimes forget our king. I have not check my analysis so…I look forward to a refutation!
ba6 is spot on ! excellent finding from robert …i checked with spike too…
Ooops! I missed it. Well done Robert beatty!