Bouwmeester, Hans – Botvinnik, Mikhail (Wageningen 1958), presented by Andreas
Black to move. How should Black proceed? In this position, Botvinnik missed the winning line and the game ended in a draw.
8/5pkp/5qp1/2Rp1n2/8/3PPNP1/rr3PKP/2Q2R2 b – – 0 27
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
…Qe7 with the threat of QxR and Nxe3?
How about ..Ra1, and if Qxa1, then …Nxe3+ followed by Qxf3 with mate soon.
1.Ra8 Qxa8 2.Nxe3+ K-g1 3.Nxf1 Kxf1
Trying to find how the Knight fork could be used to greatest effect is tricky, but I tried by pulling the queen off of defending c3:
1. … Rb1 (1. … Ra1 2. Qxa1 Nxe3 3. Kg1 Qxf3 and now the White queen is on the Black king’s diagonal, so 4. Qxb2+, breaking the pin and 5. fxe3 spoils Black’s plan. Also, 1. … Ra1 (not 8) 2. Qxa1 Nxe3+ 3. Kg1 Nxf1 is met with Rc6.)
2. Qxb1 Nxe3+
3. Kg1 Qxf3
4. Qb2+ Rxb2
with mate to follow. White is better with:
2. Rc2 Rxc1
3. Rfxc1
but Black’s material strength should be enough for a win.
… Rc2!
Qb1 (QxR Ne3+) Ne3+
Kmoves Rb2
Q moves NXR
What actually happened.
I get the feeling that Bouwmeester acquiesced to the draw after 30.Re5 only because he was so relieved that Botvinnik had missed 27…Rb1! He didn’t want to tempt fate. After 30.Re5 White seems to have every right to play on. He’s a healthy pawn ahead and doesn’t seem in any danger of losing, although Black’s pigs on the second rank represent some compensation for the material.
My name is David Monatelli and I am the chess coach of two IL district 103’s state champion teams. The goal of this web site is to achieve public attention/action to an injustice in scholastic chess caused by the USCF. Ultimately I hope this will bring about change in time for our children to be included in this years national chess championship May 9-11, 2008.
Sign the “Let them play” petition
The USCF Scholastic Council has voted to disallow IL District 103’s State Champion Chess Teams from competing at Nationals in May due to a technicality in the regulation 13.x. I have been fighting this for a month now via the USCF channels. It is now clear to me that one person is not going to make a difference when going up against a non for profit corporation like the USCF. I am looking for support in the chess community. Perhaps if this becomes a global issue something will get done. Don’t just take it from me, please read some of our children’s letters requesting a chance to compete. They were all sent to the USCF board members. Please sign our petition and spread the word!
* Sign the “Let them play” petitionClick here to sign an online petition supporting our children’s right to play as a team.
* Click here to see some of the kids letters requesting the right to play.
* Click here for a contact list of USCF board members and voice your opinion directly to the Executive board and Scholastic Council.
I’m David Monatelli the coach of two IL State champion chess teams in 2008 and 13 champion teams since 2003. The problem our teams face stem from a poorly worded USCF regulation (#13). Simply stated it says that you must be attending the same building as your teammates to play together. Back in the day when I actually attended Sprague as a child everything was fine. The schools were K-3, 4-5 and 6-8 respectfully. That was a long time ago but the district still remains one school spread over 3 buildings. However as the population changed the distribution of grades per building also changed. Currently we have the following grade breakdown:
The exact breakdown of grades per building is as follows:
* K-2 Sprague
* 3-4 Half Day
* 5-8 Daniel Wright
With this breakdown of grades per building our 2nd and 3rd graders cannot be a team in the K-3 section and similarly neither can 4th and 5th graders be a team in the K-5 section. (I am sure this regulation affects many other schools across the USA).
NOTE: Our buildings are all located within a one mile radius of each other.
One school feeds directly into the next There is simply no other choice for the children. Our schools do not overlap or duplicate any grades in any of the buildings involved. In theory we could have 9 buildings with one grade in each building or conversely 1 building for all of K-8. The actual children would be the same in either scenario just where they are housed would change. The only thing that changes are the buildings. Perhaps our buildings shouldn’t be allowed to play chess but our children should!
The intent of regulation 13.x is mainly to disallow super teams that can be created from a large school district with many feeder schools. To that extent the rule is useful. However its current wording harshly discriminates against cases like ours. It also gives an unfair advantage to our competitors in private schools that have all K-8 students in one building and have NO geographic boundaries for recruiting their team. We are just a simple public school system that wants a chance to compete.
Thank you for your time.
David Monatelli
I never posted the long anonymous comment.
(The REAL) David Monatelli