Winning tactics by David Bronstein Breaking News White to move. What is the most affective way to win? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.Nc6! Rxc6
2.Qa4 Qe7
(2…. Rc7
3.Rxc7 a5
4.Qc6+ Kb8
3.Qxc6+ …
(3.Rxe7 Rc7
4.Rxc7 a5
5.Qc6+ Kb8
3…. Kb8
4.Rxe7 any move
by the way – a pratfall would be
1.Qa4? due to
1…. Rxb2+!
2.Kxb2 Qxe5+
and draw by perpetual check
sincerly, Vohaul
Why not Rf8+?
I saw the solution almost instantly…xargon: because of Rc8!
1.Qf8+ Rc8
2.Qxh8! Rxh8
–Bill Brock
best is
Qf8+ Rcc8
and mate is unstoppable not just material loss.
Qf8+ Rc8
1Qf8? Qd8!
2.Qg7 Qb8
and no mate …
sincerly, Vohaul
I am always happy to provide instructive blunders!
Bill Brock
I wouldn’t call Qf8 a blunder as it still wins:
Qf8 Qd8
Qg7 Qb8
h7 bxa5
Rxa7+ Qxa7
Qxh8+ Kb7
Qh7+ followed by Qxa7 and h8 (Q)
never mind Qf8+ is losing
qf8+? qd8!
qg7 qc8!
rxa7 kb8
rb7+ ka8
rxb6 rc7
and still a tough fight, isn’t it?