Wednesday World Champion’s Tactic Anatoly Karpov, Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving, Topalov Karpov, Anatoly – Topalov, Veselin (Dos Hermanas 1994) by Andreas White to move. How should Karpov proceed?2b1rb2/pp3pk1/2n3pp/2pN4/4qB2/2P2Q1P/PP3PP1/3R1BK1 w – – 0 30 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
It looks like White can win an Exchange, albeit in a way that I really doubt I’d see during a game.
1. Nf6! Kxf6
1. … Qxf3 2. Nxe8+! K~ 3. gxf3
2. Be5+! Kxe5 3. Qxe4+ Kxe4 4. Re1+ K~ 5. Rxe8 and White will also snag one of the Bishops.
I agree with you Jashua, 1.Nf6! is the killer.
1.Nf6! KxN
2.Be5+ KxB
3.QxQ+ KxQ
4.R31+ Kf5
5.Re8 Be6
6.Rxf8 Bxa2
7.Rc8, followed by 8.Rc7 should be winning easily