Example one =========== 1.Ng6+ Kg8 2.N*Rf8+ Kf7 3.N*Qh7 a*Bb2 4.Rg7+ Ke6 5.R*Be7+ R*Re7 6.Q*Nf6+ Kd7 7.Q*b2 R*Nh7 8.Qd4 Rh5 9.Qg4+ Kc7 10.Q*Rh5 [ From here its child’s play to win the game,Of course variations exist but White’s win is assured,in all variations with this initial move ]
A double check involved here, or just a simple discovered one?
1. Ng6 Kg8
Now, which knight move? Let’s try both:
2. Nf8 Bg4
Both Ng4 and Qg6 lead to mate. Kf7 still loses, but I don’t know if there is a quick mate involved- it is similar to the main line below: [2. …Kf7 3.Nh7! Rg8 (or 3. …ab2 4.Ng5 Kg8 5.Qg6+-) 4.Rg8 Ng8 5.Qg7 Ke6 6.Qg8+-]. Continuing:
3. Rg4 Kf7 4. Nh7 Ng4 5. Qg7 Ke6 6. Qg4 Kd6 7. Ba3 with a decisive edge.
So, this definitely wins for white, but let’s look at the double check capture at move 2 for white:
1. Ng6 Kg8 2. Ne7
And I can now see it is a quick mate. Continuing:
2. …..Kh8 (Kf7 3.Qf6#) 3. Bf6 Rf6 4. Qf6 with mate on the next move.
I have to say that if I couldn’t see the mate, I would definitely choose the first line simply because I could see the material edge gained.
1. Ng6+, setting up a discovered check, is the only trick here. Everything after is fairly direct. 1. … Kg8 2. Nxe7+ Kh8 3. Bxf6+ Rxf6 4. Qxf6+ Qg7 5. Qxg7#.
Bc3 should be enough to win.
1. Ng6+, Kg8;
2. Nxe7+, Kh8;
3. Rg8+, Rxg8:
4. Bxf6+, Rg7;
5. Bxg7#
Ng6+ Kg8
NxBe7+ Kh8 (Kf7 will lead to QxNf6++)
Ng6+ Kg8
NxRf8+ Kh8
1. Bc3???… QxQ. Try again anonymous
1. Bc3??? QxQ Try again
Hi Susan Polgar,
White wins the game.
Example one
1.Ng6+ Kg8
2.N*Rf8+ Kf7
3.N*Qh7 a*Bb2
4.Rg7+ Ke6
5.R*Be7+ R*Re7
6.Q*Nf6+ Kd7
7.Q*b2 R*Nh7
8.Qd4 Rh5
9.Qg4+ Kc7
10.Q*Rh5 [ From here its child’s play to win the game,Of course variations exist but White’s win is assured,in all variations with this initial move ]
Venky [ India – Chennai ]
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Nxf8+ Kf7
2. … Kh8
3. Bxf6+ Bxf6
4. Qxh7++)
3. Nxh7 Nxh7 (to prevent Ng5++)
4. Qxh7 Ke6
White wins easily with material advantage. There should be a mate here somewhere, but I can’t see it right now.
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Nxf8+ Kh8
3. Qxh7#
The Knight on f6 is pinned by the white Bishop on b2.
Correct initial move is
oops, i forgot black bishop on c8 being able to block the rook with Bg4… the only other option is,
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Nxe7+ Kh8
3. Bxf6+ Rxf6
4. Qxf6+ Qg7
5. Qxh7#
Greetings from Grindmaster Lenya Gristmilli
This “Wednesday flasher” is gross example of gratuitous violence in chess. Delightfully grusome!
1. Ng6+ Kg8 2. Nxe7+ Kh8 [2. … Kf7 3. Qxf6#] 3. Rg8+ Rxg8 4. Bxf6+ Rg7 5. Bxg7#
A double check involved here, or just a simple discovered one?
1. Ng6 Kg8
Now, which knight move? Let’s try both:
2. Nf8 Bg4
Both Ng4 and Qg6 lead to mate. Kf7 still loses, but I don’t know if there is a quick mate involved- it is similar to the main line below: [2. …Kf7 3.Nh7! Rg8 (or 3. …ab2 4.Ng5 Kg8 5.Qg6+-) 4.Rg8 Ng8 5.Qg7 Ke6 6.Qg8+-]. Continuing:
3. Rg4 Kf7
4. Nh7 Ng4
5. Qg7 Ke6
6. Qg4 Kd6
7. Ba3 with a decisive edge.
So, this definitely wins for white, but let’s look at the double check capture at move 2 for white:
1. Ng6 Kg8
2. Ne7
And I can now see it is a quick mate. Continuing:
2. …..Kh8 (Kf7 3.Qf6#)
3. Bf6 Rf6
4. Qf6 with mate on the next move.
I have to say that if I couldn’t see the mate, I would definitely choose the first line simply because I could see the material edge gained.
Ng6+, Kg8
Nxe7+, if Kf7,
if Kh8,
Rg8+, Rxg8
Dear Anonymous “Correct initial move is 1. Rg8+”:
White wins only after 1. … Rxg8 2. Nf7#, but loses after 1. … Kxg8.
Lenya laments that this is so.
1-Neg5-g6+ Kh8-g8
2-Ng6xe7+ Kg8-h8
3-Bb2xf6+ Rf8xf6
4-Qh6xf6+ Qh7-g7
5-Qf6xg7 #
Greetings from Lebanon
1-Neg5-g6+ Kh8-g8
2-Ng6xe7+ Kg8-h8
3-Bb2xf6+ Rf8xf6
4-Qh6xf6+ Qh7-g7
5-Qf6xg7 #
Greetings from Lebanon
1.Ng6 Kg8 2.Nxe7 Kh8 (Kf7 Qxf6 mate) 3.Ng6 Kg8 4.Nxf8 Kh8 5.Bxf6 mate or Qxh7 mate
1.Ng6 Kg8 2.Nxe7 Kh8 (Kf7 Qxf6 mate) 3.Ng6 Kg8 4.Nxf8 Kh8 5.Bxf6 mate or Qxh7 mate
1. Ng6+, setting up a discovered check, is the only trick here. Everything after is fairly direct. 1. … Kg8 2. Nxe7+ Kh8 3. Bxf6+ Rxf6 4. Qxf6+ Qg7 5. Qxg7#.
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Nxf8+ … (Kh8, Qxh7#)
3. Nxh7
1 Ng6+ Kh7
2 Nxf8+ Kh8Kf7
3 Nxh7 ..
seems a possible play
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Ne7++ Kh8 (2. … Kf7 3. Qf6#)
3. Rg8+ Rg8
4. Bf6+ Rg7
5. Bg7#
1. Ng6+ Kg8
2. Nxe7+ Kh8
3. Ng6+ Kg8
4. Nxf8+ Kh8
5. Qxh7#