Bxd4 can come later with check (if white retakes with the bishop-or if white retakes with the rook, then Bxd4 followed by BxB+ at e3), bagging the white rook at c1 with the discovered attack. In all lines, black wins a piece because the e3 bishop can’t protect the knight and the c1 rook at the same time, and neither can the d1 rook.
BxN, BxB RxR, RxR RxB
and black wins a piece
1-Rd4 2.Bd4 Bd4 3.Rd4 Rc1 or 2.Rc5 bc5 wins material.
(1.-Bd4? 2.Rd4)
It’s only Tuesday so I’ll solve it tomorrow 😉
Bxd4 can come later with check (if white retakes with the bishop-or if white retakes with the rook, then Bxd4 followed by BxB+ at e3), bagging the white rook at c1 with the discovered attack. In all lines, black wins a piece because the e3 bishop can’t protect the knight and the c1 rook at the same time, and neither can the d1 rook.