Valentine’s Day Chess Tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How can White save this game? 2r5/3r1kp1/5pNp/p2p3P/3q4/Q7/1p3PP1/4R1K1 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Will you be my Valentine.
You are the Best Valentine for all of us.
Thank You Susan for being such a nice person. We all love you.
Hugs and Kisses from all chess players to you today.
1. Qh3! +-
I suggest :
1. Re7+!
if 1… Rxe7
then 2. Qxe7+ Kg8
3. Qe6+ grabbing the rook
if 1… Kg8
then Rxd7..
It seems easy, I must have missed something !
“I must have missed something !”
Yeah, I’m sorry, but you missed that after grabbing the rook (3. Qe6+, Kh7 4. Qxc8) white threats mate in one but black comes first: 4. -, b1Q+ and 0:1
The silent move 1. Qh3! was the one I found, too…
Happy Valentines Day Susan and Paul!
Valentine’s Day, and the board for the puzzle isn’t in pink and red?
1. Qh3 Kg8 (interposing with f5 doesn’t accomplish much)
2. Qxd7 Qc5 (everything else leads to mate in a few moves)
3. Re8+ Kh2
4. Rxc8 Qxc8
5. Qxc8 b1(Q)+
6. Kh2
The only stop for immediate mate is to fall on the sword with Qxg6.
Sorry if I missed something. Classes are coming in and I have to post.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all. The one and only answer is 1.Re7 their can be no debate.
WCM Claudia Munoz
4th grade
Happy Valentine’s Day back atcha, Claudia. But no Happy Meal for you today:
1.Re7+? Rxe7
2.Qxe7+ Kg8
3.Qe6+ Kh7
4.Qxc8 Qd1+
5.Kh2 Qxh5+
… wins easily for Black.
No happy meal today for me! waaa waaaa
WCM Claudia Munoz
4th grade
susan, i wrote comments here between my classes.
After Qh3, why is Kg8 forced? Is there something I’m missing that black can’t simply play R8d8 or R7c7?
After Qh3, why is Kg8 forced? Is there something I’m missing that black can’t simply play R8d8 or R7c7?
2.Qe6 gives White an edge 😉
1.Qh3 is the key.
If rc7 or rd8 2.Qe6 #
Good selection susan!congrats!!