Unusual tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving Black to move. How should black proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. …. Bg2!
2. Bd3 e4 and black should win
2. Bxg2? Rb1 wins for black
2. Bh7 e4 and black should win
1. … Bg2! makes the day!
Got to deflect the White bishop from covering b1-square.
1. … Bg2
2. Bxg2 2. .. Rb1
2. Bf5 e4 3. Rd7+ (3. Bxg4 Rb1 4. Kxg2 Rxd1 5. Bxd1 a1=Q) 3. .. Kf6 4. Ra7 Kxf5
2. Bd3 e4 3. Re1 (3. Bc4 Rb1 4. Bxa2 Rxd1+ 5. Kxg2 Rd2+ 6. Kg1 Rxa2) 3. .. Kd6 4. Bc4 Rb1 5. Bxa2 Rxe1+ 6. Kf2 Rc1
The white bishop must stay on the b1 h7 diagonal to prevent Rb1.
Bg2! followed by e4! either shuts out the bishop, or forces it to move off the diagonal to avoid capture at which point Rb1 can be played, winning.
1…Bg2!, and white has no chance to defend the b1 point…
Bg2 wins it for black
1…Bg2 and now: a) 2.Bxg2 Rb1 -+; b) 2.Bf5 e4 -+; c) 2.Bd3 e4 -+.
1. … Bb2
2. Bd3/f5 d4
and 3… d4
This was difficult, but then I found out that the brilliant 1.-Bg2! is a killer. If 2.Bd3 then 2.- e4 is easiest winning line I think.