Tricky tactic review Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Rh5+ Kxg4 (1. … Nxh5 2. Qxh5#) 2. f3+ Qxf3+ 3. Qxf3#
1. Rh5+
1.Rh5+ Kxg4 2.f3#
1.Rh5+ Nxh5 2.Qxh5#
Not so tricky. A simple-ish mate in 3 with only 2 legal lines
Pretty straightforward stuff for a “tricky” tactic.
1- Rh5+ ; Kxg4 (Nxh5, 2-Qxh5#)
2- f3+ ; Qxf3+ (forced)
3- Qxf3#
1. Rh5+ Kxg4 (1. .. Nxh5 2. Qxh5#) 2. f3+ Qxf3+ 3. Qxf3#
After 1. Rh5+ Black will be mated.
Rh5+ Nxh5
its chekmate
1. Rh5+ Kg4
2. f3+ …. mate
1.Rh5+ (If, 1…Nxh5 2.Qxh5#)
(If, 1…Kxg4 2.f3#)