Tricky tactic review Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How can White save this game? No computer analysis please.3r4/2rk4/1p2p1q1/2pPQp2/2P2Pp1/3K2P1/p7/2R4R w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Rh7 – Qxh7
I think.
1. Rh7+!! Ke8
2. Rxc7 1-0
1. Rh7+!! Kc8
2. Qxc7+ checkmate 1-0
1. Rh7+!! Qxh7
2. Qxe6 checkmate 1-0
No computer needed. White’s h-file rook wins the day and the game. Rh7+
Save the game? White is crushing with Rh7, or is this the wrong position?
1. ♖h7+
1. … ♛xh7 or ♛g7 or ♛f7
2. ♕xe6#
1. … ♚c8
2. ♕xc7#
1 … ♚e8
2. ♕h8+ ♛g8
3. ♕xg8#
1. Rh7+! Qxh7 (a. 1. … Ke8 2. Qh8+ Qg8 4. Qxg8#; b. 1. … Kc8 2. Qxc7#) 2. Qxe6#
not a very tricky tactic. Rh7 is mate in a maximum of 3 moves
It is mate in 2 or 3 moves after 1. Rh7+
1. ..Ke8 2. Qh8+ Qg8 3. Qxg8#
1. .. Kc8 2. Qxc7#
1. .. Qxh7 2. Qxe6#
Rh7+ wins for white.
Rh7+ wins for white.
Rh7+ wins for white.
Rh7+ should win. If King goes to back rank, then Qh8 leads to mate. So, …Qxh7 is forced. Qxe6#.
Looks like a simple deflection sac (rook) wins here for White?
..Qxh7 Qxe6#
..Kc8 Qxc7#
..Ke8 Qh8+ Qg8 Qxg8#
Rh7 I think is the key move. If …Qxr, then Qxe6 mates.
1. Rh7+ (a) Qxh7
2. Qxe6#
1. … (b) Ke8
2. Qh8+ Qg8
3. Qxg8#
1. … (c) Kc8
2. Qxc7#
I think Rh7 is key. If …QxR, then Qxe6 mates.