For a while, I thought Kamsky had a good chance to even up the score and having White for the final game. It was not meant to be. A few inaccuracies did him in. But he tried.
GM Topalov (2796) – GM Kamsky (2725) [C07]
Sofia Match (7), 26.02.2009
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Ngf3 cxd4 6.Bc4 Qd6 7.0–0 Nf6 8.Re1 Be7 9.Nb3 Nc6 10.Nbxd4 Nxd4 11.Nxd4 0–0 12.c3 Bd7 13.Qf3 Qb6 14.Bb3 a5 15.Be3 Bc5 16.Rad1 a4 17.Bc2 Qxb2 18.Bg5 Nd5 19.c4 Bxd4 20.Qd3 f5 21.Qxd4 Qxc2 22.cxd5 Qxa2 23.Qb6 a3 24.Be7 Rfe8 25.Qd6 Ba4 26.Qxe6+ Kh8 27.Ra1 Qc4 28.Rec1? [28.Rxa3=] 28…Bc2 29.Qd7 a2 30.d6 b5 31.Qb7 Reb8? [31…b4–+] 32.Qc7 Rc8?? [32…Bd3³] 33.Qxc4 Rxc4 34.d7 Bb1 35.Rd1 Kg8 36.d8Q+ Rxd8 37.Bxd8 Bc2 38.Rdc1 b4 39.Rxa2 b3 40.Ra8 Kf7 41.Rb8 Ke6 42.Re1+ Kd5 43.Be7 Ra4 44.Bf8 Ra7 45.h4 White wins 1–0
Click here to replay the game.
What is the problem with FICS this week? I cannot get on!
He tried – but without success. What was the reason in your sight?
You fought the good fight Gata ! Almost got him, great comeback, see ya soon!!!
Anand will be the next victim of the Bulgarian machine!!!!
Gata had no chance whatsoever.
agreed. kata should never had been their anyways. The sad part is that the USCF championed him as the next golden boy.
Poor USCF.
Terrible to see how Gata put himself down in flammes.
Often out of nothing.
Topalov has absolutely shown nothing in this match … Nothing !
I don’t want to be rude toward gata, but he has showed why he doesn’t meet the standart of a world champion any more.
The win at the world cup was nothing but his swan song.
He has missed many moves that make the difference between the + 2800 and the 2700-2730 players.
Kamsky played a great 30 or so moves in this game, but when you leave yourself only two minutes to play 10 moves against a guy like Topalov, your greatly reduce your chances of winning. Alas, Kamsky didn’t make it.
Let’s cry for Kamsky!
Bulgarians are certainly a shit G.W.Bush would have liked to
wipe off the map;)
You,Americans are always the best,ain’t you 😉
I just don’t understand this time management. I totally agree with anon 4:25. 2 minutes for 10 moves? Did he expect to mate Topalov in 3 moves or something?
None of you will ever understand Gata’s games. That’s why he’s got 2750 and you 2057 or less.
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What I don’t understand is the praise lavished on Topalov for playing horrid moves, as in today’s game. Mihail Marin, for instance, praises Topalov’s erroneous play highly. Ugh.
I can’t think of a more embarrassing WC contender in the last 50 years. His chess is both ugly and unsound. I hope that Anand buries him.
well, the way i see it, topalov has one 3 games fare and square, however…
of the 3 games 1 one was won in an even position thru kamskys blunders – true that happens in top level as well.
the other 2 were won in a coffee-house style, complicate things and then kill on time – kind of like blitz is played really.
obviously, kamsky is to be blamed for wasting his time, not topalov for exploiting this.
boy oh boy, topalov is soooo going to run into a brick wall if he ever tries to trick anand on speed…
Guys, I don’t understand why people make so much of Topalov’s style in this match. He has beaten all opponents in different ways and different formats. His style for this match was prepared specifically to defeat Kamsky, and it worked. Apparently Topalov’s team knew what many of us didn’t – that Kamsky’s nerves are not as strong as believed, and that he has a problem with time managament. If he had other weaknesses, Topalov would’ve exploited them in other ways. This is life – chess is a game, and the better opponent wins. It is quite obvious that agains Anand, the tactics will be completely different.
Why so many butthurt people.
Congratulations to Topalov for the win. Yet Kamsky was a very worthy opponent.
However, time pressure and horrid management destroyed him.
Nonetheless, very entertaining match.
Yes,thanks to both players for an entertaining 10 days.