This is Tommy and Leeam‘s first book, with some help from my father. It’s about Superstar Chess checkmate positions. It’s published in Hungary. The drawing on the cover was done by my sister Sofia.
Oh, well done Susan with the chidren i mean, nice to see you all doing well for chess, I recall your dad first bring his young ladies into chess, i must say it’s quite a fascinating idea, original,although we’ver never meet tell ya dad hes right women can be world champion and its nice to see Judith as a shining example of this, but of course it takes the world a little while to catch up to this reality. Peace.
I want an autograph copy!
You’re a family that all will remember for all the good you have done.
Oh, well done Susan with the chidren i mean, nice to see you all doing well for chess, I recall your dad first bring his young ladies into chess, i must say it’s quite a fascinating idea, original,although we’ver never meet tell ya dad hes right women can be world champion and its nice to see Judith as a shining example of this, but of course it takes the world a little while to catch up to this reality. Peace.