Qxf6 suggests itself almost immediately- the idea being to remove the defender of g8, and to clear the g-pawn out of the way for the g1 rook:
1. Qf6 gf6 (Rf7 2.Qd8#; Ke8 below) 2. Rhg8
White will need to capture this way in order to prevent the black rook from defending, and to keep the two white rooks guarding each other:
2. …..Kf7 3. f5
Probably the hard move to find. White must keep the black king from reaching e6, and this is the only way to do it. Now I don’t see how black can prevent R1g7#.
After 1. Qxf6+ gxf6 2. Rhxg8+ Kf7 3. f5, Black can only delay mate with the desperado 3. .. Rxe3+ 4. Nxe3 Qf2+ 5. Kxf2 Nd3+ 6. Kf1 Ke7
Since there is no longer any Black rook on e7, the Black king has managed to avoid being mated by the upcoming check by the White rook on g7-square. Only a short reprieve, however.
Rxg8+ +-
After a few minutes looking, this position seems to cry out to me for a Q sac, so:
1. Qxf6, gxf6
2. RhxG8, Kf7
3. f5! (the real point)
Now I see no way for black to avoid Rg1g7# for very long as his K is in a box.
1. Qxf6+! gxf6
( 1……… Rf7
2. Qd8# )
( 1……… Ke8
2. Rxg8+ Kd7
3. Qf5+ and white mates soon.)
2. Rhxg8+ Kf7
3. f5!
and 4. R1g7 is mate.
Qxf6 suggests itself almost immediately- the idea being to remove the defender of g8, and to clear the g-pawn out of the way for the g1 rook:
1. Qf6 gf6 (Rf7 2.Qd8#; Ke8 below)
2. Rhg8
White will need to capture this way in order to prevent the black rook from defending, and to keep the two white rooks guarding each other:
2. …..Kf7
3. f5
Probably the hard move to find. White must keep the black king from reaching e6, and this is the only way to do it. Now I don’t see how black can prevent R1g7#.
1.Qxf6+ gxf
2.Rhxg8+ Kf7
3.f5 Rxe3+
4.Nxe3 Ke7
5.R1g7+ Kd6
6.Rd8+ Kc6
7.Rc8+ Kb6
8.Rb8+ Ka5 (Kb6=)
9.Ra8+ Na6
Simple but cool – Qf6 leads to an ez forced mate.
If I had played this move I would use it on my letterhead, logo, shirt pocket, side of my truck and have a picture framed.
What a nice finish
1.Qxf6+ g7xf6 2.R(8)xg8+ Kf7 3.f5!How does Black stop R(1)g7 #?oryedue 2
The King can be hunted and won
1.Qxf6+ gxf6
(1…Ke8 2.Rxg8+ Kd7 3.Qf5+ Kc7 4.Qc8+ Kd6 5.Rg6+ Re6 6.Rxe6#)
(1…Rf7 2.Qd8#)
2.Rhxg8+ Kf7 3.f5 Rxe3+
(3…Qc2 4.R1g7#)
4.Nxe3 Ke7
(4…Qh2 5.R1g7#)
5.R1g7+ Kd6 6.Re8 Qf2+
(6…Kc6 7.Re6#)
7.Kxf2 Nd3+ 8.Kg3 Nc5 9.dxc5+ Kxc5
Dxf6+ gxf6
Rhxg8+ Kf7
later R1g7##
After 1. Qxf6+ gxf6 2. Rhxg8+ Kf7 3. f5, Black can only delay mate with the desperado 3. .. Rxe3+ 4. Nxe3 Qf2+ 5. Kxf2 Nd3+ 6. Kf1 Ke7
Since there is no longer any Black rook on e7, the Black king has managed to avoid being mated by the upcoming check by the White rook on g7-square. Only a short reprieve,
7. R1g7+ Kd6 8. Rf8 Nf4 9. Rxf6+ Ne6 10. Rxe6#