First, it was Carlsen. Now, it is officially with Nakamura. The Kasparov – Nakamura (not so secret collaboration) is officially over, according to Chess Base.
Here is an excerpt:
…marked the end of a short-lived collaboration with Kasparov, as became amply evident – to all who hadn’t picked up the signs much earlier – when Kasparov arrived at the tournament. The two were not seen to speak to each other, and in fact even seemed to avoid eye contact. But even before that Hikaru had some not-so-complimentary things to say about his teacher.
Source: ChessBase
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Mr. Kasparov . I’m at your disposal to be a good student.My schedule is free next month. Waiting for your call to set the details.
It’s a pity that two such humble and timid personalities can’t cooperate 🙂
Come into my arms Nakamura! I will teach you!
According to Naka Kaspy is not the greatest as many would like to think. I always felt that Kaspy was overrated. As a pure chess talent guys like Morphy, Capa,the redoubtable Fischer, Tal etc etc were certainly greater chess players. Thank you Naka for enlightening the ignorant.
Too bad for both of those guys. They really seemed to be reaching new heights with K. Carlsen started falling back ever since, and I expect Naka will do the same… Maybe K isn’t easy to work with, but he seems to get results.
I can’t believe Naka’s speech. You just thank Kasparov for helping tweaking your opening prep. No need to insult the guy publicly even if the cooperation did not work well.
Considering Naka’s comments at the LCC during one of the commentaries, this comes as no surprise. Sad for US chess, though. If Nakamura had really worked well with Kasparov, there was a good chance he could have become the second US World Champion. Now I have to go read all the stuff in my latest New In Chess magazine that covered this story before it fell apart. (You think it was the poker?)
Anonymous: “Carlsen started falling back ever since” ???
Clearly, you are clueless. Carlsen now has a higher rating than ever before.
so lets discount naka’ perf in the last one year and also for the next six months and then start the clock.. he would be nowhere among the elites then.. Gary is a hard task master who would never allow wannabe’s like naka waste his time..Gary speaks and the ward listens – get it.. If my teacher was Gary, I would put my ego aside and learn the stuff; Afterall the man(gary) has stuff to match his swagger and he is not gonna tolerate empty vessels making too much noise. Gary, Giri would be a good student..please coach him
I do not see Carlsen falling back.. He is doing good – the tournament bulldozer.
there goes his 2800 dream..
Kasparov could give the Kardashians some lessons on short relationships.
Naka says ” Gary is just about openings”. Ah! the top 10 in the world would not mind trading their skills just to get Gary’s opening preperation. Here again Naka is wrong. Gary is a complete package..
I think in this case Kasparov was right: too much poker and online blitz. Bad for the long game.
Naka is an ass. Gary has some class.
Greatest chess player ever teaches greatest mouse clicker ever.
Mouse clicker too blind to see. Yo Naka, what you do to me?
naka says ” i am no Fischer”.. LOL..BTW, who told you were one.
There’s some blame for both sides. After all Carlsen let go of K first. K must play a part in the breakdowns, too.
Carlsen and Gary mutually split. Naka was shown the door.