A few days ago, the NY Times broke the news about the cheating scandal at the World Open. Countless newspapers have picked up on this story. Today, ABC News also picked it up:
License to Cheat?
Cheating Has Become Commonplace, Even in Chess. Are We Headed for a Lawless Society?
ABC News
Park City, Utah, Aug. 9, 2006 — – Seems as if every occupation has been tarnished of late by accusations of cheating. Corporate America (the list is too long to cite specific individuals), the news industry (that Reuter’s photographer who manipulated pictures of Qana, Lebanon, under attack), and steroid-obsessed professional sports (Floyd Landis, Rafael Palmeiro, et al). All have had their share of notorious, high profile accused cheats.
Now comes word that the so-called gentleman’s game — chess — has been caught in allegations of improper play.
According to The New York Times, two players reportedly received help from computers or from friends using computers during the biggest chess tournament of the year, the World Open, in Philadelphia, over the Fourth of July weekend. The Times reported that Steve Rosenberg was expelled from the tournament and that Eugene Varshavsky was searched before each round, although Varshavsky was allowed to finish the tournament.
In Rosenberg’s case, a small, wireless earpiece was found. The device, which is called a Phonito, is described on an Internet Web site as a “wireless earphone” that “goes in the ear, providing clear and discrete audio,” with no wires protruding “above the user’s neck.” Apparently, Rosenberg had received wireless advice on various chess moves, possibly with the help of a computer.
In Varshavsky’s case, his nearly flawless moves were run through a computerized chess-playing program called Shredder. The last 25 moves of Varshavsky’s win against the grandmaster matched the moves generated by the computer. Coincidence? Perhaps, though previously Varshavsky had played disappointing chess and was among the lowest-ranked in his division.
The Times points out that cheating at chess is not new. Chess players have previously consulted other players about upcoming moves during breaks. But according to Bill Goichberg, director of the World Open and the Continental Chess Association, the use of computers and miniature transmitters and receivers takes the offense to a new level. “Before, a player might have discussed the position with someone who is a grandmaster,” he told The Times. “That sounds terrible, but if the grandmaster hasn’t seen your position, I don’t know if that is going to be much help. What is happening now is that the cheaters are concealing the fact that the moves are being transmitted to a computer.”
The tournament organizers did not respond to repeated requests for further information.
The rest can be read here.
In my opinion, this issue is paled in comparison to the election of Mr. Sam Sloan (a convicted felon who lied to the members of the USCF about his conviction record) to the Executive Board of the US Chess Federation, a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with approximately 40,000 young members and 80,000 overall members. Mr. Sloan also has a highly questionable past in a number of areas including inappropriate sexual relations with very young female. This is the same man who loves to brag about his questionable actions.
There is something very wrong with this picture. What disgust me even more is some people are actually defending this newly elected official by saying that integrity, moral, honesty, etc., do not matter. These people think that there is nothing wrong with an individual like this serving on the Executive Board. Thank God that these people are in the minority but unfortunately enough to sway the election.
As I adamantly stated before, the Susan Polgar Foundation will stay as far away from people like this as possible. I absolutely oppose Mr. Sam Sloan. I strongly feel that Mr. Sloan is completely not qualified to serve on the Executive Board and representing approximately 40,000 young members.
I was asked to keep quiet about this!
I was asked to be patient and leave things be!
I was asked not to rock the boat!
I was even asked to apologize to Mr. Sloan for speaking out the truth!!
The answer is NO. There will be no politics as usual.
I have sacrificed so much time, effort, money, etc., to promote the educational, social and competitive benefits of chess to young people of all ages, especially girls. This is the mission of my foundation. I am not going to stay quiet when I see wrong things that can negatively affect the children and the game that I love and devoted my entire life to.
I am not Mr. Kasparov. I have no political aspiration. I am just a Chess Mom who want to do the right things. I am not perfect and I may make mistakes from time to time. But I will do everything in my power to be a good role model to my own children and children across the country and around the world. I will stand up for what I believe in.
The good news is there are plenty of good people who agree with me on this matter. I hope that together we can reverse this serious moral decay. We have to protect our children and do everything that is best for our children. Thank you for your support.
Susan, you’re 100% correct. I salute you for everything you do for chess. Thank you!
Susan, thank you for your statement. I will also not be a part of this and will not work with and for an organization which will allow it to happen.
I believe the USCF should at least make it clear that it does not support in any way the positions of Mr. Sloan and that it should make it not possible for a convicted felon to serve in any leadership capacity in the USCF.
If the USCF fails in this, I personally will be looking for another chess orgaization to support and work for.
Susan I support you totally and know that many other chess players in IL support your view that Mr Sloan should not be on the uscf board. He is not a good example to our kids and he should not be in the position he is in. The sooner he is removed the better for usa chess in general.
Keep up the great work in chess your a super inspiration to everyone.
I support Susan too. We need more people like her and not the people on the EB.
Thanks Susan
hi @susan – in germany Mr. Sloan is not well known amongst common chess players as me. inspired by the discussion in here – in the meantime my favourite chess site! – i took the trouble to read through Mr. Sloans internet appearance – topic for topic – and the more i read, the more i got appalled:
the man is obviously not only a danger to very young girls, but has also an anti-semitic touch and moreover he might severely suffer from hubris.
is there any way to endorse your’s and other prudential chess-people’s struggle for a proper USCF out here from germany?
but please beware the following:
“Moralische Entruestung ist meistens Neid mit Heiligenschein!”(Hans Bayer)
i’ll try a translation:
“most morally outrage is envy with a gloriole!”
sincerly yours Vohaul
Seems to me the NYT should interview YOU as soon as possible…
If that comes to pass, I would strongly recommend choosing your words carefully to avoid any collateral damage from Sloan’s inevitable reaction.
I agree 100% with you Susan. This is the lowest the USCF has sunk [and they have been quite low before!]
Susan: As a fellow chess parent, I am behind you 100% and thank you for taking a stand on this issue. I have a few questions/comments:
1. Couldn’t you argue that by taking the membership money of tens of thousands of scholastic chess players but not giving them or their parents voting rights in the organization, that the USCF board has a heightened fiduciary duty to the scholastic membership? And by seating someone who has a public track record of promoting such sexist, racist statements and conduct, particularly regarding young girls and young women, couldn’t you argue that they are breaching their fiduciary duty? Maybe someone could bring a class action lawsuit. I bet there are some chess parents who are lawyers out there who could help.
2. I’ve read some comments on the USCF boards suggesting that the USCF part ways with the scholastic division. That seems like a really dumb idea for an organization that is struggling financially. Where do they think most new USCF memberships come from? It has to be from the scholastic community. I would imagine that most non-titled adults can get enough of a chess fix from the ICC and other on line sites these days so that joining the USCF is increasingly pointless (despite their effort to modernize with the new website). Frankly, if it weren’t for the rating system, I’d be happy to walk away from the USCF too after this sorry episode. The best publicity for chess comes from scholastics — think of Knights of the South Bronx, the inspirational movie about kids from an inner city school who learn chess and overcome socioeconomic adversity on their way to a national championship. The worst publicity for chess comes from adults — think of the New York Times article about the cheating scandal at the World Open.
3. Unfortunately, this whole situation is happening beneath the radar screen of most chess parents who are not thinking about chess over the summer. But if word got out about Sloan at the next big national tournament (Orlando in December), I think you could create quite a firestorm. Just copy a page or two of the more objectionable passages from his web site and ask the question: Do you want this man in a leadership position in an organization in which your child is a member? You might encourage parents to join in a family membership or even their own individual membership so that they have an opportunity to vote Sloan off the board as well as the other board members who enabled him to take a seat in the first place. If the thousands of chess parents at the Nationals took those flyers back to their home chess clubs and encouraged other parents to take a stand, we really might have a shot at shaking up the board.
4. I agree with the poster who said that it would be great if the media could interview you on this but please be guarded in what you say as Sloan has a track record as a serial litigant and the last thing that you deserve is a lawsuit.
Chaos brings change. Things are going to get much worse before they get better. Hang in there. Good things will come of this in the end.
Together, we will make this country a better place for Chess.
I think we have all spread the word on Sloan. Next time more of us just have to VOTE.
Susan and Paul,
The North American Chess Association is behind you 100% on the stand you are taking.
Not to nitpick, but why comment on Sam Sloan’s election to the USCF Board under an article on cheating at the World Open? I mean, GM Polgar’s position is clearly stated on her blog – what next, are we going to see a chessboard with the comment, “While 29. Rxc8 is an obvious blunder that loses to 29…Rd1 checkmate, it pales in comparison to the blunder the USCF voters committed recently in electing Mr. Sam Sloan”.
At any rate, while the support for GM Polgar is admirable, I suggest that a more effective solution for USCF is to have her and/or her supporters work not to abandon the USCF, but to change it. My impression from GM Polgar’s various columns is that she certainly has done many things for US Chess, but has been frustrated by the politics. Perhaps she should run for the board – she certainly is building a following of dedicated supporters. And I have to believe that she would have more appeal with the USCF members, aka the VOTERS, than Mr. Sloan.
Lastly, reasons for Mr. Sloan not being on the board are fairly obvious (although it is not clear that the current rules prohibit him serving on the board). However, suppose there are other individuals with questionable backgrounds (although perhaps not so obvious as a felony conviction or an offensive website). Should that person serve on the board? What would prevent that person from serving? Does the USCF need to establish, for example, a background check policy for it’s officials?
Other organizations that I have been involved with have nominating committees that screen candidates to the board and usually prevent most of the wackos from getting elected.
Yes, Susan. Revelations predicted that this world would get really bad. You see, this world is getting worse and worse everyday. The fact of the matter is that people are having Darwinism (which is incorrect-please see answersingenesis.org for great answers to it) replace good moral principle in peoples minds (I tried to put an apostophe after the s on peoples, but for some reason, the thing that comes up when you press ctrl+F comes up instead) and thus many people have little incentive to do the right thing. By the way, why dont you guys check out Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Matthew 5:17, and Mark 14:36. What do you guys notice about all three of those verses? Why would it be Gods will for Jesus to suffer and die on the cross?
Yes, election of Mr Sloan may be a sign of a moral decay. Even if you may not manage to change the situation, you are taking a right and bold stand. Rock the boat, Susan.
Many people might think Varshavsky cheated (Nakamura has argued he did not) but when they act unprofessional and print this, he should get a lawyer. Its a shame some people cant grow up and admit that he beat them. If you cannot prove that he cheated, to say so is rude, immature and most unprofessional.
Sloan is definitly a bad guy though, and I wish more people would focus on printing these facts.
I agree with Susan. Go ahead with this and rock the boat. Congratulations from Mexico.
Dear Susan:
I personally am ashamed of myself for failing to vote in the election, even though I knew Sloan was running and I knew he was a bad apple. I figured that he had no chance of being elected, especially in light of his book that you can see at Amazon.com where he is posing with the Mujahdeen terrorists of Afghanistan. If you doubt this, go to Amazon and type in Sam Sloan and Afghanistan. The picture says a thousand words, and all of them are revolting. You remain an inspiration for your leadership.
The “andrew morrow”
( amorrow@nouveausystems.com )
who just posted is an ally of Sloan who uses Wikipedia to defame others.
Like Sloan, Morrow is depraved: the thought of the act of cunnilingus performed upon an 18-month old girl amuses him:
for authorship, see
and scroll down to the section “Yoo-Hoo!”
Sorry for posting the preceding unpleasant material here, but now you know the moral depravity of certain Sloan “fans.”
The Susan Polgar Wikipedia entry has been reverted for now….
Bill Brock, Chicago
To clarify: the offensive posts I referenced in the preceding posts have now been deleted from blog comments.
–Bill Brock, Chicago
I appreciate what you are doing for chess, Susan, and the stand you are taking here!
Thank you!
Unfortunately, by taking a stance, an Andrew Morrow (aka Sam Sloan) is abusing Susan Polgar. He is vandalizing her Wikipedia page. He threatened to harm her children. He threatened to harm her family.
She should contact the FBI about this. Wikipedia has IP record. I am sure this blog has it too. They can trace it.
I am not being vague. I am making specific claims. If anyone is offended by my blunt specificity, and one of the over six billions people that have life and intelligence and self-awareness on this Earth, then I apologize. The truth hurts, but it is the best that I have to offer. I am merely a man. If I were a woman, the situation might be different, but I am not and I accept my lot in life. To all those who read this: be well. Take your time. Use your mind. Use your critical judgement, while it lasts. I warn you: you will miss it when it is gone.
Andrew, why don’t you go away. This blog is a wonderful place for many of us. It is not a forum for you to protect a convicted felon. As you can clearly see, everyone here except you feel that Mr. Sloan is unfit to serve on the USCF EB.
–Bill Brock, Chicago
Contact America’s Foundation for Chess ASAP to let them know what you think of the goings-on in USCF:
America’s Foundation for Chess
National Office/Western Region
3720 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98033
Rourke O’Brien
Wendi Fischer
Vice President, Scholastics
I think it would be nice if sloan and this punk morrow were like Jimmy Hoffa, and it could be done.
Don’t stoop to their level.
Let’s cut through the crap and posturing and get to the REAL issues here:
The USCF and many Americans still see Susan Polgar and Paul Truong as foreigners trying to dictate USCF (and American) policy and ethics. This always happens when newcomers rock the boat, in any society.
In light of this, it is possible that the USCF is merely thumbing its nose at Susan via its stance w/Sam Sloan.
Taking a hard line in either direction only exacerbates the situation.
Is insistence upon minimum ethical standards somehow unAmerican? One could understand if the Board felt that Sloan had to be (barely) tolerated because there was an election to be honored. But to embrace Sloan?
In his public statements, Don Schultz wants to give Sloan the benefit of the doubt (as if the evidence of Sloan’s conduct wasn’t already overwhelming). In his public statements, Joel Channing acknowledges Sloan’s conduct, but nevertheless looks forward to working with Sloan.
One hears that certain people are saying different things privately. But only privately to date.
I realize that it’s easier for Board members to pretend that Sloan doesn’t exist and to concentrate on their pet projects. But Sloan’s presence will undermine those very projects.
Unless sending a tornado to Crossville is one of those projects….
Bill Brock, Chicago
– one only has to observe the polarity of the posts here to understand how Sammy could have been elected.
Perhaps his election reveals the basic flaw in “One member, one vote”… The falacy is assuming that all votes are from people who have equal understanding.
I support you 110% Susan. I am shocked by the situation.
I voted and I voted against sloan.
I told all my friends at the time to make sure they voted against sloan. I tried to talk everyone into voting at the time.
but I never believed for a second that he had any chance of winning. something is wrong with this election. who could have voted for this guy.
I agree there need to be rules about members of the board. some minimum requirements. plus I guess the idea of getting past a committe might be good. although it would give a lot of power to the committee.
I have read on uscf web site the postings of sam sloan. he is not suitable to be on the board. something must be done to get rid of him totally. he should not be allowed at meetings and other things.
I thought Kirsan with Fide was bad. but he looks good compared to sloan. this is a disgrace on all of America.
I hope he is not confirmed in his position.
I will 100% support any and all decisions you make Susan. You are the best for chess in america. we are so luck to have you in this country.
I have not been posting for some time. but this issue compels me to post.
I dont want to give advice. I will support your decisions. but I will make one statement of my belief. I believe that the TRUTH will win out in the long run. I believe that if you make a decison because you choose to LOVE then you have always made the correct decision. I know you love all the children so your choices based on your love for others have to be the correct decisions. never falter in this belief. Allow the love in your heart to guide you and you will win far beyond anything you can ever imagine.
Always choose Love.
Peace and Spiritual Love
I read Sam Sloan’s campaign appeal, and spoke to him at the World Open
in Philadelphia. It was not until after the voting was completed that
I discovered his website. The portrait of Sam Sloan that emerges
there is very, very different from the way he portrayed himself during
the campaign. In other words, I feel like Sam duped me and my fellow
USCF members, and if they had known more about him that almost
certainly have voted differently. At a minimum, you have to wonder
why Sam didn’t mention in his campaign that he has a personal website.
I hope someone on the Chess Life staff will ask Mr. Sloan these questions:
1. You [Mr. Sloan] have stated that one of your chief goals is the promotion of scholastic chess. If you are personally involved in any activities that promote chess for children, how will you explain to sponsors and to the press the fact that you also promote these publications and ideas on your personal website:
Women Rape the Men in the Trobrian Islands Yam Festival
How to Talk Dirty in Japanese and English (which includes a lurid photo)
Sex Marchers
Why Taiwanese women want Western Men
Medical Tests Prove: Semen Makes Women Happy!
A Brief History of Sex in America
Pope John Paul browses the Internet for Porn (which is in fact nothing
more than a photo of His Holiness with a laptop computer)
2. You have stated that one of your chief qualifications for the USCF
Executive Board is your Wall Street background. Yet your primary
occupation has for a long time been taxicab driver. Do you not think
that mentioning Wall Street background without mentioning your current profession implied that you still work on Wall Street? How long have you been a taxi driver, and how does that experience qualify you to
serve on the board?
3. In 1993 you were convicted by a Virginia court of kidnapping. Most
people would consider a felony conviction to be a relevant factor in judging the character of candidate of the board of a non-profit organization, and also a factor in determining how outsiders (such as potential corporate sponsors) will view the organization if the candidate is elected. Why did you choose not to disclose (and provide your own perspective on) this conviction?
4. You have actively pursued litigation against the USCF and its board in Orange County, NY, and have petitioned the court to rehear the
matter after it made a procedural ruling against you. Yet you did not
disclose this litigation during your campaign for the board position.
Why did you think USCF members would not consider your litigation
against the organization to be a relevant factor in judging your
character and relationship to the organization? How will your new
position on the board affect the litigation?
Keep up the fight, Susan! And run for Sloan’s seat next year, please! I would campaign for you in a heartbeat.
– Chris Falter
Minor correction: Sloan has two felony convictions related to the attempted kidnapping of his child, but neither is for “kidnapping” per se. One was for attempted abduction; the other was a failure to appear charge.
For those who think Sloan is harmless:
“On September 5, 1991, appellant visited with his daughter at the home of appellant’s mother. Richard Groff, who was present to supervise the visit, testified that appellant took his daughter to an awaiting rental car. After appellant started the car, Groff opened the door and grabbed the steering wheel. Appellant accelerated, dragging Groff approximately 100 yards, and attempted to push Groff away from the car. After a struggle ensued, Groff broke the key in the ignition, and Groff removed the daughter from appellant’s rental car.”
This account is available on Sloan’s own web site.
Bill Brock, Chicago
Sam Sloan belongs in a prison or a mental institution, but NOT on the USCF executive board.
The USCF will get nothing from me as long as it is associated with this creep.
Andrew Morrow needs to check into a mental institution like Sam Sloan.
From all the discussion, it seems that board members of USCF had knowledge of Sloan’s prior history and porn website. This makes the entire board tainted. Is there nothing in the orgs. bylaws to prevent his being seated as bd member or removed? Between USCF and FIDE it appears major shifts in support are necessary. All the best to you and your work Susan!