Who will ever believe that I wrote what I wrote in post #2 without having seen the 1rst post. They are soo similar its scary. (its my own work, I promise!)
I would suggest that white plays 5.f4 instead (with the sequence 6.Rg8+ Ke7(Kd7) 7.Qg7+ Kd6 8.Rd8+
and black seems forced to play 5…Qh5! all other moves appear to be losing.
1.Rxe7+ Kxe7 2.Qg3 seems to be a dead end for white. 2… Ke8 and if: 3.Qb8+ Kf7 4.Rd7+ Kg6 5.Qg3+ Qg5 6.Qd3+ f5 and white has nothing left. Black cannot play 2…f5 in this line or white have a mating attack.
The line you give seems to be incorrect, since after 3…Qe5 the white queen on g3 is PINNED against the white king.
Qg3 looks promising…protecting f2, while at the same time attacking g7 and rxr qc7 check followed by rook d8 mate
I’ll guess the best move is
1. Qg3. Protects the vulnerable f2 pawn and prepares to cause havoc for the black king on g7 or c7 after RxR.
Who will ever believe that I wrote what I wrote in post #2 without having seen the 1rst post. They are soo similar its scary. (its my own work, I promise!)
Yeah, I’d concur. At first I thought it was hopeless and then I saw Qg3 and now black seems to have no defense.
Then I saw:
1.Qg3 Rxd7
2.Rxd7+ Ke8
which seems to lead into several different lines where one of the sides must take a perpetual.
Can white make progress from there?
1.Qg3 Rxd7
2.Rxd7+ Ke8
will 3. Rxg7 work? It threatens Qb8 mate, and if
(a) 3. .., Qe5, then
4. Rg8+, Ke7
5. Qg7+, Kd6
6. Rd8++ mate.
If (b) 3. .., Kf8, then
4. Rb7 threatens both Qb8 and Qg8 mate.
Why not Rxe7+ first and after Kxe7 only then Qg3, winning? That looks even more forcing.
This position is white win.
1.Qg3 Rxd7
2.Rxd7 Ke8
and white wins.
Either mate or Qxf2 and white should be up by one rook. An easy win.
i like also rxr, kxr and qg3 attacking g7+ and c7+
Renzo said:
Why not Rxe7+ first and after Kxe7 only then Qg3, winning? That looks even more forcing.
No, if you do this, it will be a draw, because of 2 .. Ke8 3.Qxg7
Qxf2+ 4. Kh1 Rd2 and white has to do perpetual check to draw it.
I also think that 1. Qg3 is the correct move for White.
Yes, I m think so. Qg3 is a good way to win.
Black might get drawing chances by a clever defense. After
1 Qg3 Rxd7
2 Rxd7+ Ke8
3 Rxg7
black immobilizes white’s Q to prevent checkmate:
3 … Ra1+
4 Kh2 Qe5!
and now the white lady is pinned. The R endgame looks approximately equal after:
5 Qxe5 fxe5
6 Rxh7 Rc1
7 Rb7 Rxc4
8 Rxb6 Rb4
What think ye?
– Chris Falter
Chris Falter’s Line:
1 Qg3 Rxd7
2 Rxd7+ Ke8
3 Rxg7 Ra1+
4 Kh2 Qe5!
5 Qxe5 …etc
I would suggest that white plays
5.f4 instead
(with the sequence 6.Rg8+ Ke7(Kd7) 7.Qg7+ Kd6 8.Rd8+
and black seems forced to play
5…Qh5! all other moves appear to be losing.
1.Rxe7+ Kxe7
2.Qg3 seems to be a dead end for white.
2… Ke8 and if:
3.Qb8+ Kf7
4.Rd7+ Kg6
5.Qg3+ Qg5
6.Qd3+ f5
and white has nothing left.
Black cannot play 2…f5 in this line or white have a mating attack.
The line you give seems to be incorrect, since after 3…Qe5 the white queen on g3 is PINNED against the white king.
Yes, Rxe7+ does not work, due to
1. Rxe7 Kxe7
2. Qg3 Ke8
3. Qb8+ Kf7
4. Rd7+ Kg6 and the king escapes
But with bob hu’s line with 1. Qg3 and black playing 5. … Qh5, white responds with
6. Rg8+ Ke7 (only move as others loses to Qg7+)
7. Qg7+? Qf7 or
7. Qd3 Rd1
7. Ra8! wins
… Rd1 loses as
8. Ra7+ Rd7
9. Qg7+
Great work ybn!
I think you found the win.