The field by rating order as of July 2007 (Expected changes for October 2007)
1. Anand (IND) 2792 (2790)
3. Kramnik (RUS) 2769 (2779)
5. Morozevich (RUS) 2758 (2766)
7. Leko (HUN) 2751 (2755)
8. Aronian (ARM) 2750 (No change)
12. Svidler (RUS) 2735 (2733)
13. Gelfand (ISR) 2733 (2722)
14. Grischuk (RUS) 2726 (2725)
The 2 biggest names not in the World Championship are:
4. Ivanchuk 2762 (2787)
2. Topalov 2769 (No change)
Ivanchuk gained over 24 points and is expected to be the new #2, trailing Anand by only 3 points! Kramnik will remain at #3 and Topalov will drop to #4.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I hope Ivanchuk will be #1 and win the WC one day.
>>Ivanchuk gained over 24 points and is expected to be the new #2, >>
Who is #1?
You are #6.
1. Anand (IND) 2792 (2790)
2. Topalov 2769 (No change)
3. Kramnik (RUS) 2769 (2779)
4. Ivanchuk 2762 (2787)
5. Morozevich (RUS) 2758 (2766)
7. Leko (HUN) 2751 (2755)
8. Aronian (ARM) 2750 (No change)
12. Svidler (RUS) 2735 (2733)
13. Gelfand (ISR) 2733 (2722)
14. Grischuk (RUS) 2726 (2725)
The 2 biggest names not in the World Championship are:
The next biggest names not here or in the Candidates:
6. Shakhriyar Mamedyarov
9. Teimour Radjabov
10. Dmitry Jakovenko
Excuse me, but the biggest name not in the event is Judit Polgar.
Great form by Chucky! I wonder is this first time he’s been no.2 in the world? I remember him being the world no.3 back when Kaspy and Karpov were dominating the ratings.