Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) at Webster University for Pirates of Penzance Opera (presented by the Opera Theatre of St. Louis) Pre-show dinner hosted by Office of the President (Dr. Beth Stroble) at Webster University (L to R: Dr....
She beat him in chess on their honeymoon

Gail Huff describes husband, US Sen. Scott Brown, as someone willing to cross partisan dividesSTEVE LeBLANC Associated PressFirst Posted: March 19, 2012 – 7:03 amLast Updated: March 19, 2012 – 7:02 am BOSTON — U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is...
Quote of the day

Senator Hillary Clinton’s new proposal: “This has been a very hard fought race. We clearly need to do something so that our party and our people can make the right decision. So, I have a proposal. Today, I am...
From Senator Barack Obama

Click on the letter to read the full text. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar