Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess Pride and Prejudice

Pride and prejudice By Prof. Oren Gross I have amazing kids and am a very proud father. Today I have been even more proud than usual and at the same time extremely angry. What follows is a bit lengthy so...
Christiansen’s family talent

Portrait of an Artist: Figures formed by strong lines, deep colorsSaturday, Jul. 16, 2011 Jim Christiansen/Painting, pen and ink, printmaking RESIDENCE: Modesto; works out of 1928 vintage home, shared with mother, Virlee Christiansen. DAY JOB: Self-employed artist, landlord and...
The sibling difference

Sibling rivalsCassandra JardineLast Updated: September 14. 2008 4:40PM UAE / GMT My four squabbling older children can only ever agree on one issue, and that is that the fifth and youngest of our children is spoilt. He’s nine now,...
Famous sibling

Artist Profile: Jim Christiansen – Illustratorlast updated: June 22, 2008 07:18:18 AM Residence: ModestoType of artist: Known forwatercolors, pen and ink, cartoons, acrylics and postersDaily job: Community volunteer, landlord, artist Family: My mother, Virlee Christiansen, lives in Modesto, and...