Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Shirov – Dubov LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Shirov – Dubov match LIVE!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Battle of the generations: Shirov vs Dubov LIVE with triple engine analysis!
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Battle of the generations: Shirov vs Dubov
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Shirov – Dubov Match

The Moscow based Center for New Technologies “Digital” will host a match between GM Daniil Dubov (2641) and GM Alexei Shirov (2685) on 2-8th December. The match is organized by ChessTV and sponsored by businessman Oleg Skvortsov. The match...
Clock simul vs Shirov

Latvian Grandmaster Alexei Shirov held a clock simultaneous exhibition against 12 students of the Northwestern Federal District in St. Petersburg, Russia. The time control was 90 minutes plus 10 seconds per player, but the famous Grandmaster managed his time...
Alexei Shirov wins District Open Rapid Championship 2013

Latvia’s number 1 Alexei Shirov confirmed his status as favorite and took first place at the Inčukalna District Open Chess Championship 2013 that took place on May 11th 2013 in this district of Latvia. It was the first leg...
Shirov scored 9-0 at Gipslis Memorial

GM Aivars Gipslis Memorial Tournament was organized by the Latvian Chess Federation and Alexei Shirov on 9th February at the Technical University in Riga, Latvia. The tournament was held to commemorate Aivars Gipslis, eight-times Latvian champion and respected Grandmaster....
Gibraltar round 1 game correction

One of the readers of this blog pointed out to me that Shirov lost in the first round but he was paired against the 1 point group in the 2nd round. I wrote to John Saunders and he explained...