Clasificación después de la ronda 6 (top 35) Rk. No.Ini. Nombre Tipo sexo Gr FED FIDE EloN Club/Ciudad Pts. Des 1 Des 2 Des 3 Des 4 n w we w-we K elo+/- 1 6 GM Shyam Sundar...
GMs Sundararajan and Grigoryan win 17th Sant Marti Open 2015

The 17th Sant Marti Open 2015 took place from July 13-21, in the hall of Centre Civic Sant Marti, Barcelona, Spain. The event was a 9-round Swiss open tournament with time control 90′ + 30″ and an average Elo rating of...
Grigoryan sole winner in Sant Martí Open

The 16th Obert Internacional Sant Martí took place from 13th to 21st July at the Centre Civic Sant Marti: c/ Selva de Mar, Barcelona, Spain. The tournament format was 9-round Swiss with the prize fund of 7000 EUR. There...
International Open Sant Marti 2014

The 16th Obert Internacional Sant Martí is scheduled to take place from 13th to 21st July at the Centre Civic Sant Marti: c/ Selva de Mar, Barcelona, Spain. There will be two competitions: Group A, for players with FCE,...