2016 Canadian Women’s Championship (Zonal 2.2) Date: September 22-25, 2016 Tournament Info Place: RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa. Format: 7-round Round Robin. Time Control: 40moves/90minutes + Game/30 min + 30-seconds per move from move 1. Rounds: Players meeting:...
Young champ sharing life lessons
14-Year-Old Chess Champion From Canada Shares Life LessonsBy Matthew Little, Epoch Times | October 15, 2014Last Updated: October 16, 2014 7:44 am OTTAWA, Canada—At 14 years old, Qiyu Zhou is one of those children parents like to imagine they...
Canadian Gold
Ottawa chess master conquers worldBY AEDAN HELMER, OTTAWA SUNFIRST POSTED: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 08:50 PM EDT http://chess-results.com/tnr144249.aspx It may not have the international intrigue or Cold War implications of Fischer v. Spassky, but there was no shortage of...