English version: https://chessdailynews.com/bringing-up-genius Schlau Gemacht Kann man Kinder zu Genies erziehen? László Polgár hats versucht. Seine Töchter wurden die besten Schachspielerinnen der Welt. Von Paul Voosen Das Magazin N°34 – 27. August 2016 Noch bevor László Polgár seine spätere Frau...
Make room for women on chess board

OPINION: Make room for women on chess board Posted: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 1:20 pm | Updated: 1:23 pm, Tue Sep 3, 2013. From the Middle Ages to the 18th century, chess was a popular social pastime for both...
Raising brilliant children without screwing them up

How to raise a brilliant child without screwing them up Oliver James The Guardian Saturday 27 February 2016 01.00 EST Forget tiger mother techniques, the best way to make sure your children achieve their full potential is to nurture...
Polgar family united at Expo 2015 in Milan

The entire Polgar Family (Susan, Sofia, Judit, Klara, and Laszlo) in Milan, Italy representing Hungary at the Expo 2015. This is a VERY RARE occasion as they live in 3 separate continents today. This is such a...
Polgar Variants

How 3 Hungarian sisters became chess champs By G. Allen Johnson Published 12:48 pm, Tuesday, July 28, 2015 The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival wraps up its final weekend at the Castro Theatre (the festival continues in Berkeley, and...
The Grandmaster Experiment

The Grandmaster Experiment How did one family produce three of the most successful female chess champions ever? By Carlin Flora, published on July 1, 2005 The world’s first female grandmaster was ready to deliver her regular Thursday-night lecture. Susan...
Winning Olympiad Gold was a very special moment

Polgar: My Top 10 Most Memorable Moments in Chess (Part 1)By Susan Polgar Over the years, one of the most popular questions which I am being asked is what are some of the most memorable moments in my career?...
The Polgar Variant

The Van Leer Awards for Israeli Cinema – Documentary Film The Polgar Variant Dir.: Yossi Aviram Israel/2014 68 min. Hebrew, English, Hungarian Subtitles: Hebrew, English The Polgar sisters, Susan, Sofi and Judit, did not choose to become the heroines...
Chess Prodigies – A Look At The Phenomenon

By Chess Coach William Stewart (FIDE 2234, USCF 2256)Will’s original article on chess prodigies available here. Why are some kids so good at chess? How do some chess prodigies that are barely 8,7 or even 6 years old manage...
Chess in the Jewish Community

‘Chess in Jewish DNA’Nov 15, 2013 Chennai: From Steintz to Kasparov, the Jewish community has ruled the mind game Israel Gelfer, FIDE vice-president, highlighted Israel’s 10th position on FIDE’s list of highest rated nations with an average elo of 2632...