In addition to being a wonderful chess player and world champion, Smyslov was also known for his singing. Some other known chess players who love to sing include Portisch and Sutovsky, etc. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Murfee Choir performing at SP Mall
Murfee 4th and 5th grader performing at the SP Mall. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Don’t touch my music?
Some players complained about the new USCF rule of not allowing players to listen to their favorite tunes on their IPods during the games. The reason for this rule is to help avoid cheating possibilities. In my opinion and...
The String Quartet
Here are 4 talented young musicians who performed last night at the reception at Texas Tech! Click here to watch a part of their wonderful performance. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The entertainment
Dr. Z and the Checkmates opened the festivities at the Opening Ceremony. They are a group of educators in Texas getting together to bring fun into chess. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar