NM Stewart vs GM Ray Robson – Guest Analysis by GM Joel Benjamin (ICC)Posted on July 10, 2012 by William in Strategy & Game Review, Tournament Updates I‘m proud to say that my game at the Las Vegas Chess...
Laura Sherman plays a Simul in Tampa Bay!
Chess instructor Laura Sherman challenges 10 kids and adults to a simultaneous chess match to promote her new book, “Chess is Child’s Play,” at the St. Petersburg Maaco/Meineke. (July 7, 2012) [Chris Zuppa | tampbay.com] Original Article Chess Daily...
Chess is Child’s Play is almost here
I am pleased to present the book trailer for Chess Is Child’s Play! This book project is near and dear to my heart. Ever since I was a young child Iwanted to help people learn to play chess and...
The Joy of Problem Solving
The Joy of Problem Solvingby Laura Sherman We want our children to have the best advantages in life. We want them to find and select solutions that will benefit them and others for the long term. The chess board...
Chess, Imagination and the Arts
Chess, Imagination and the ArtsBy Bill Kilpatrick, Laura ShermanINQUIRER.netFirst Posted 17:03:00 06/05/2009 Imagination starts with a creative idea. Imagination grows when creative ideas are acted upon. Few people realize how creative they really are. We find this with every...
One Child’s Chess Experience
One Child’s Chess ExperienceBy Laura Sherman The room is silent. You can literally hear the people breathing around you while you study the sixty-four checkered squares in front of you. Glancing over at the chess clock you see you...
Why Chess Should Be a Part of Every Child’s Education
Why Chess Should Be a Part of Every Child’s Education By Laura Sherman Imagine a world where people all have excellent problem solving skills, where they are patient and respectful of each other on a daily basis. A society...
When should I start teaching chess to my child?
When should I start teaching chess to my child?by Laura Sherman I get this question a lot. Many parents wonder when they should dust off the old chess board in the attic and introduce the game of kings and...
Chess and Imagination
What does chess have to do with imagination anyway?by Laura Shermanwww.YourChessCoach.com Artists, leaders, educators and pretty much anyone in any field can enhance our world through creativity and imagination. So what does this have to do with chess? Everything!...
Let your child teach you!
Let your child teach YOU!by Laura Shermanwww.YourChessCoach.com Many children learn to play chess at home. You, the parent, teach them how to move their pieces, set up the board and begin play. Depending on your skill level these lessons...