The entire Polgar Family (Susan, Sofia, Judit, Klara, and Laszlo) in Milan, Italy representing Hungary at the Expo 2015. This is a VERY RARE occasion as they live in 3 separate continents today. This is such a...
Qué ocurrió con las tres niñas que nunca fueron al colegio
Qué ocurrió con las tres niñas que nunca fueron al colegioFederico Marín Bellón – Ajedrez07 de mayo de 201207 de mayo de 2012 Un reciente artículo de ABC ha puesto sobre la mesa el debate sobre la posibilidad de...
Polgar family in BBC Radio Documentary Afternoon Play The Chess Girls (Susan, Sofia, and Judit Polgar) The emergence of the Polgar sisters in the 1970s and 80s rocked the chess world. In a heavily male dominated game, the three Hungarian girls (Susan, Sofia, and...
The Polgar family in 1989
I just received some old pictures of the my family back in 1989 in Rome from a friend of the family, Mr. Gabor Zilahi. This was taken during the famous Rome tournament where Sofia made history. Chess Daily News...
How to make a Tiger in the office (or in chess)
How to make a Tiger in the officeMann’s World: Talent is Overrated, Geoff Colvin Apr 4, 2010 12:00 AM By Ian Mann Ian Mann : What do Warren Buffett, Tiger Woods and Mozart have in common? In the fields...