My wonderful friends at SPICE and TTU threw a surprised birthday for Joy (Dr. Karlsson’s Mother in Law) and me tonight (since I was in Dresden on my birthday) at the home of Dr. Rice. This has to be...
Knight’s tour
South Florida Sun-Sentinel.comChess: A Knight’s TourNovember 25, 2007 Mastering the Microscopic: Non-masters provide plenty of tasty treats for more experienced players to munch on. At the very bottom of the food chain, rank amateurs frequently serve their rooks and...
Find the best continuation
White to move. How can White save this game? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Knight and Pawn endgame
White to move. Do you think you can this position against a GM or a top computer software like Rybka, Fritz, Junior, etc? Try to play it out against the top level of these software without takebacks and see...