CHESS MASTERS: THESE YOUNG BLACK MEN AIN’T NO ROOK-IES Three young men rise in the ranks of an unlikely game BY MAYA A. JONES September 22, 2016 The laughter of children filled the room. The tramping of callow feet,...
The Big Three J’s Are Coming To Webster University

Susan Polgar with Josh Colas and Guy Colas African-American Chess Masters Making Move to Next Level May 19, 2016 by Jamaal Abdul-Alim Several years ago, Joshua Colas, Justus Williams and James Black Jr. all made history and headlines when...
Congratulations to Justus, James, Isaac and Matthew

Williamsburg middle school wins national high school chess championshipThe youngsters of IS 318 take the crown in MinneapolisNEW YORK DAILY NEWSWednesday, April 18, 2012, 4:00 AM Take a bow, Justus Williams, James Black, Isaac Barayev and Matthew Kluska, stalwarts...
Inspiring young minds

Chess masters teach kids new tricksWednesday – 3/21/2012, 4:29am ETAndrew Mollenbeck, WASHINGTON – Some of the youngest chess masters in America paid a visit to a local students Tuesday night. Students involved in the after school program, Chess...
African-American Boys Master the Game of Chess

From left: Justus Williams, James Black Jr., and Joshua Colas. (Photo: Derrick Bryant) African-American Boys Master the Game of Chess Justus Williams, Joshua Colas and James Black Jr. want to become the best in the world.By Naeesa AzizPosted: 11/14/2011...
Not your typical tween

Know Your Neighbor: James, The Chess ChampMonday, June 06, 2011By Jennifer Hsu Source: James Black is not your typical tween. The 12-year-old from Bed-Stuy is one of the best junior high chess players in the country. This April,...
Aiming high

12-year-old Brooklyn chess champ eyes bold move: becoming youngest grandmaster everBY Michael PrestonDAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Thursday, June 2nd 2011, 4:00 AM Already a rising national star at age 12, Bed-Stuy chess champ James Black Jr. wants to become...