chronicle.giGIBRALTAR 23 June 2010 HOTEL STAFF FEEL THE SQUEEZE, HOPES PINNED ON AIR TRAFFIC GROWTHby Brian Reyes Gibraltar’s three leading hotels have all cut staff numbers through redundancy or natural wastage in recent months. The cuts come against the...
A secure future

A secure future Great news from Gibraltar as the future of this fine event, the 2010 edition of which was recently completed, has been secured for another three years.By Malcolm PeinPublished: 11:30AM GMT 09 Feb 2010 After eight years...
Top 5 women in Gibraltar

Here are the top 5 women at Gibraltar 2010: 10 WGM Zhukova, Natalia 7.0 UKR F 2462 2686 +3.02 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 0 1 ½ 12 GM Koneru, Humpy 7.0 IND F 2614 2663 +0.77...
Adams Wins The Gibraltar Final

8th Gibtelecom Chess Festival 2010 Adams Wins The Final John Saunders reports: English grandmaster Mickey Adams has won the 8th Gibtelecom Masters after a four-player play-off. He did it the hard way, losing the first game of his semi-final...
Gibtelecom final standings

Top 25 finishers: Rk Name Score Fed. M/F Rating TPR W-We 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 GM Gustafsson, Jan 7.5 GER M 2627 2769 +1.88 1 1 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1...
Gibraltar final round results

Top board final round results: 1 GM Gustafsson, Jan 7.0 GER 2627 GM Movsesian, Sergei 7.0 SVK 2708 ½-½ 2 GM Vallejo Pons, Francisco 7.0 ESP 2705 GM Adams, Michael 7.0 ENG 2694 ½-½ 3 GM Bacrot, Etienne 6.5...
Endgame challenge

White to move. Can White win this Bishop opposite color endgame?8/3R4/2Pp2p1/4b1k1/4BpP1/5P2/4K3/2r5 w – – 0 0 IM Boskovic – GM Koneru (Gibraltar 2010) Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kamsky finishes with 7.5 pts at Gibraltar

This is another solid performance by Gata. Bindrich (2512) – Kamsky (2693) [E92]Gibraltar (10), 04.02.2010 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0–0 6.Be2 e5 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Bg5 c6 10.Nxe5 Re8 11.f4 Na6 12.0–0–0 h6...
Slipping to 5th

Humpy held Kamksy but slip to fifth spot in Gibtelecom MastersPTI, 4 February 2010, 05:54pm IST GIBRALTAR: Indian Grandmaster Koneru Humpy had to settle for another draw but this time against highly regarded GM Gata Kamsky of the United...
Gibraltar final round

Final round top board pairings: 1 GM Gustafsson, Jan 7.0 GER 2627 GM Movsesian, Sergei 7.0 SVK 2708 10:00 2 GM Vallejo Pons, Francisco 7.0 ESP 2705 GM Adams, Michael 7.0 ENG 2694 10:00 3 GM Bacrot, Etienne 6.5...