Luxembourg hosts a qualifying tournament for European Small Nations to compete in the FIDE World Chess Cup whose finalists join the group of candidates to find a challenger for the Chess World Champion, currently Magnus Carlsen. The opening ceremony...
2nd European Small Nations Individual Chess Championship

The 2nd European Small Nations Individual Chess Championship is set to take place from 1-11th April, 2016, in Luxembourg. The contract for the organization was signed by the ECU Secretary General, Mr. Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou and the President of the...
4th European Small Nations Tournament

The 4th European Small Nations Tournament is currently in progress in Les Cotils, Guernsey. The event is a 9-round team tournament with tempo of play 90′/ 40 + 30′ + 30″ and an average Elo rating of 2088. The teams of...
4th European Small Nations Team Championship

4th European Small Nations Team ChampionshipJan 14, 2015 The “4th European Small Nations Team Championship” will be held from 18-26th April 2015 in St Peter Port, Guernsey. Federations participating in the event are as follows: LIECHTENSTEINJERSEYFAROE ISLANDSGUERNSEYMALTASAN MARINOANDORRALUXEMBOURGCYPRUSMONACO Each...