NASA Satellite Hits Earth, Space Agency Confirms WASHINGTON — NASA’s dead six-ton satellite fell to Earth early Saturday morning, starting its fiery death plunge somewhere over the vast Pacific Ocean. Details were still sketchy, but the U.S. Air Force’s...
Same Disaster, Different Creatures

East Coast vs. West Coast Earthquakes: Same Disaster, Different Creatures First Posted: 8/23/11 09:26 PM ET Updated: 8/24/11 11:22 AM ET WASHINGTON (Associated Press)– The East Coast doesn’t get earthquakes often but when they do strike, there’s a whole...
A magnificent 13 year feat

Adventurer Finishes 13-Year OdysseyAPPosted: 2007-10-06 22:08:24Filed Under: Weird News, World NewsLONDON (Oct. 6) – He was hit by a car in Colorado, attacked by a crocodile in Australia, detained as a suspected spy in Egypt and survived illness and...