Inspirational tennis player Conner Stroud Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Tournament for the visually impaired in Chennai

Chess tournament for visually impaired precedes World ChampionshipAbhimanyu Oct 29 2013 Chennai: Tamil Nadu State Chess Association (TNSCA) and All India Chess Federation (AICF) had organized a tournament for the visually impaired on Tuesday. This was a part of...
1st World Championship for Disabled in Dresden

On October 21st the FIDE Continental President for Africa Mr. Lakhdar Mazouz opened the 1st World Championship for Disabled in Dresden. The next day the first round was started and is still in progress. Follow live games and more...
New World Chess Champion for Disabled

Jennitha is New World Chess Champion for Disabled New Delhi | Jul 24, 2013 India’s K Jennitha Anto has became the World Chess Champion for disabled after winning the 13th IPCA World Women’s Individual Chess Championship in Velke Losiny,...
I. World Chess Championship for Disabled

The preparation of the I.World Chess Championship for Disabled in October this year in Dresden/Germany is well under way. The invitation is now online at: The official website will be launched soon. Already a good number of participants...
1st Indian to win the gold at the World Individual Chess Championship for the handicapped

Trichy woman secures gold in World Individual Chess Championship for the disabled Dennis Selvan | Jul 2, 2013, 06.02 AM IST TRICHY: Jennitha Anto, a polio-stricken woman from Ponmalaipatti on the outskirts of Trichy, has become the first Indian...
An inspiring goal

32-year-old who cannot sit, walk plays chess to be grandmaster DNA | May 16, 2013, 05:33AM IST Ahmedabad: Shailesh Nerlikar has not allowed his physical condition to become an obstacle in his progress. The 32-year-old, who suffers from chronic...
13th IPCA World Individual Chess Championship 2013

The 13th IPCA World Individual Chess Championship 2013 for chess players with physical disability will take place in Velke Losiny, Czech Republic, 17 – 26 June 2013. The tournament is organized by the IPCA (International Physically Disabled Chess Association)...
13th IPCA World Individual Chess Championship 2013

The 13th IPCA World Individual Chess Championship 2013 for chess players with physical disability will take place in Velke Losiny, Czech Republic, 17 – 26 June 2013. The tournament is organized by the IPCA (International Physically Disabled Chess Association)...