White to move. What is the best continuation for White? Which side is better? 8/8/7p/2p5/2P1K3/1kP1P3/8/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Can the impossible be possible?
White to move. Can White win this? k6b/p7/5p2/8/8/5N2/4B3/6K1 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Tricky endgame
White to move. How should White proceed? Is this a win, draw or loss or White?8/2Rp4/2p1Pr2/1k6/3K1p2/8/3P4/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Important K and P endgame
White to move. Is this a win, loss or draw for White? 8/3k4/4p3/p7/P7/4P3/3K4/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Can you or can’t you?
The management from Chessville.com just sent me an interesting tidbid about this endgame. Most players actually have never faced this type of endgame in a rated game. This is just a random B & N vs. K endgame. Can...
Rook vs 2 pawns endgame
White to move. Is this a win for White, Black or draw? How should White proceed? K7/8/2R5/8/8/3p2p1/8/4k3 w – – 0 1 No computer please. How long does it take you to come up with the right solution? Chess...
Endgame improvement
White to move and draw 5K1k/1N6/8/8/4pp2/8/7P/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A real brain challenge
Kutznetsov 1964White to move and win! Enjoy 🙂 Can you solve this without computer assistance? k7/7b/2N3p1/7p/2B5/8/8/6K1 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A difficult K and P endgame
Zinar, 1990 White to move. How should White proceed? 6k1/8/4P1Kp/8/8/8/p4p2/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A fascinating endgame
White to move and draw this fascinating endgame (by Hasek)r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar